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About The Study Of The Advertising Influence Of The Brand Communication

Posted on:2015-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467971102Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, homogeneity of product in the market is serious, so brand has aconsiderable influence in the competition and the pursuit of profit, Advertising as animportant means of brand communication, is being used by more and morecompanies, The major companies which are chasing the brand have spent a lot onadvertising in the mainstream media, attempting to gain recognition in a short time tocreate their own brand, In this paper, quantitative research and qualitative researchmethod are combined to investigate the advertising influence in the brandcommunication, The study is aimed at college students to research how they view therelationship between branding and advertising,This article investigates the concept ofbrand awareness of students, the probability of buying branded products, brandproduct information sources, the reasons of selecting brands, the most concernedmeans of brand communication, advertising attention, advertising credibility, whetheradvertising can influence buying behavior, the impressed TV ads, the factors that affectthe brand recognition and quality sensation, the purchase probability due to advertising,the advertising factors in brand purchase, the factors affect brand associations andbrand loyalty, advertising’s role in brand communication and so on, The results of thestudy show that brand awareness is only one of the basic conditions for brand success,and the associations due to advertisements, good product quality and reputation canmake consumers be loyal to the products, and sustain a successful brand.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand recognition, quality Sensation, brand associations, brandloyalty
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