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Analysis Of Image And People’s Sense Of Touch

Posted on:2015-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467968588Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The image is important carrier of the visual communication of information, graphiclanguage advocate is expressed in simple elements rich content and profound connotation.Image is the picture of real life, has a unique advantage in the passing information, is easyto recognize and remember, not because of race and region difference and affect thecontents. Aesthetic factors of image itself, can affect vision convey effect, has the visualaesthetic image can make people happily accept information, and produce emotionalresonance. Graphics is through the visual stimulation, make the audience produces mentalreaction,, in turn, affect the person’s psychology, to produce the emotion. Works of art, focuson the theme of the emotions, and emotional elements into the design works, when theaudience in contact with a work of art, will unconsciously by infection, resulting in apsychological response, an emotional chord. Image will affect the audience’s emotion, thecontent of the audience’s emotional reaction and the content of the image. Graphic imagesof different subjects show different effects, not only reflect different creative conception,also can be the audience to produce different psychological. This paper to study the imagetransfer the important role of emotions and the factors that influence the image conveysemotion in the process of secondary creation for image, realize a new sensory stimulationand feelings. When writing graduation design, try to use a variety of ways to show differentcombination, using influence people to accept and experience the different elements ofcreation, not only emphasizes the sensory stimulation, pay more attention to the audienceafter watching art’s inner feelings and emotions. Audience’s aesthetic idea is constantlychanging, changing trend is rising, the progress of. This requires that the creator in creatingworks of art, to innovation, accord with the requirement of the contemporary people’saesthetic and inner needs, flexible deployment of various elements, reasonable use. Insecondary to create graphic images, classification of different image conveys emotion isdifferent. Ideal result is to let the audience see everyday think plain or familiar image,combined with design, under the new have new understanding and feeling, finally the effectof the art is not only the creator on the one hand, the audience to accept the effect andinfluence is also the important aspect of the artistic creation, the creator to seize theaudience’s psychological need, through effective communication with the audience realize the benign interaction, the work contains information smoothly communicated to theaudience, and get feedback from the audience. This paper analyzes the background of thegraphics application, find new breakthrough point, to consider the factors in the analysis ofimage creation as well as the audience in the process of accepting the psychologicalexperience, make the artistic creation has theoretical basis, emotional expression andrational thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graphic images, Art, Psychological experience, Influence factors
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