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Analysis Of Constructional Techniques Of Architecture In Song And Jin Dynasties In The Fen River Of Shanxi Province

Posted on:2014-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467953110Subject:Architectural History and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Fen River is the biggest river in Shanxi Province and the second largest tributary of the Yellow River Basin. It originated the Guancen mountains in Xinzhou, the north of Shanxi Province. From north to south, the Fen River across most area of Shanxi and flow through six cities:Xinzhou, Taiyuan, Lvliang, Jinzhong, Linfen, Yuncheng. Finally, it flows into the Yellow River in Wanrong County of Yuncheng. Because of its source in Shanxi, so it is known as "the mother river of Shanxi ". In the valley, a large building structure left of Song and Jin Dynasties, along the Fen River flows, according to the change of environment and pattern of distribution.By using the research methods of literature research and statistic inductive, I have attempted to analyse and build the research framework of construction techniques of architecture in Song and Jin Dynasties in the Fen River of Shanxi. As a result, it will provide guidelines for future the in-depth study of Song and Jin Dynasties buildings that are located in the Fen River Basin of Shanxi Province on future. And by using the research methods of field survey and contrastive analysis, I will be guided to the later researchers to demonstrate the application of the framework in the actual research and that lay the theoretical foundation for the construction techniques of architecture in Song and Jin Dynasties in the Fen Rive in next research.This paper is divided into six chapters, and it is discoursed from the three parts separately:Part One:This part is consisted of chapter one and two. In this part, it firstly introduces the research background and issue. Secondly, it presents the environment background of the Fen River intra-area of Shanxi. In this thesis, the writer elaborated the research of construction of the unique geographical environment from the three aspects of this river basin in Shanxi:the natural condition> the humanities environment the historical culture background. And then, it confirmed the necessary of study the construction techniques of architecture in this basin, that also laid theoretical groundwork for the further research.Part Two:This part is consisted of chapter three. This section is for the further study of the construction techniques of architecture in Song and Jin Dynasties in the Fen Rive to create a research framework. Firstly, the author introduced the research carrier and its contents. Then according to the actual situation of Fen River which is divided into middle, lower upper and three sections, analysis of the carrier respectively. Finally, we can analyse and summed up the research framework of construction technology of architecture in Song and Jin Dynasties in the Fen River basin.Part Three:This part is consisted of chapter four、five and six. The content according to research frame that chapter three analyse, the author, respectively, make a detailed study of the Fen River in the next step, and make simple examples of how to application of the framework. When the thesis end is summarized, the writer put forward to the ideas of protection and research about ancient buildings too.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanxi, The Fen River Basin, The architectures in Song and JinDynasties, Constructional techniques, The Research Framework
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