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A Study On Interpretation Strategies For Culture-loaded Words In Chinese From The Perspective Of Memetics

Posted on:2016-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese culture-loaded words own its distinctive national culture personality.Xi Jinping expresses not only a kind of attitude of China policy but also spreads theChinese culture in various international conference speeches, which contains manyculture-loaded words. Those words can be treated as a kind of meme or a set ofmemes. In fact, as small as a word, a movement, an idea, or as big as a culture, allcan be seen as a memetic model for the unit, or the complex. As for the topic inquestion, the thesis attempts to explore the choice of interpreting Chineseculture-loaded words from the perspective of memetics with Xi Jinping’s speeches.Helighen thought that in the light of strong memes’ life cycle, it attempts to apply atentative memetic way of China culture-loaded words input which consists ofassimilation, retention, expression and transmission. The process of interpretingthese culture-loaded words is the process for memes transmission and replicationwhere the interpreter will be infected and then decode, then recode, and finallyspread the source language memes to infect new host. In the process of interpreters’encoding, which always are at the mercy of a certain specification, the interpretersneed to take a certain interpretation strategy, and try as much as possible to copy thesource language memes to achieve the effective spreading of memes.The paper selects the different types of Chinese culture-loaded examples fromXi Jinping’s important speeches from2013to2015and their coping tactics by theinterpreters, and divided those words into5categories: material, ecological, social,religious, and linguistic culture-loaded words. This study conducts five strategies:transliteration, literal interpretation, loan interpretation and interpretation evaluationand free interpretation.Through the discussions and analysis above, the paper finds that it is good tointerpret material, ecological and religious culture culture-loaded words bytransliteration and literal interpretation, to preferably survive in the target cognitiveenvironment; and it is better to use loan interpretation to interpret social andlinguistic culture-loaded words, and translation evaluation and translation freely isnot appropriate in practical interpretation.The defects of the argumentations inevitably exist in this paper. For example,the standard of choice is not clear. Whereas, as a theoretical inquiry and attempt, itprovides some references for interpreting practice, and supply some examples forlater learners. It does have guidance to the interpretation practice and teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Memetics, Culture-loaded words, Interpretation strategies
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