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The Narrative Study Of The Financial Documentary Of The CCTV

Posted on:2016-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P XuFull Text:PDF
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With the increase of the country’s economic strength and the improvement of the people living level, we not only become more and more urgent on financial needs, but also become thirstier and thirstier for the financial knowledge. So documentaries on economic themes not only assume the responsibility of recording financial history, but also need to spread financial knowledge and meet the demand of the audience. Meanwhile the development of narratology offers good theory support to the study of the documentary.As a major power of making financial documentaries, China central television leads the development of domestic financial documentary’s market. So this thesis selected 32 financial documentaries which were produced by CCTV as the research subject. And this thesis mainly adopted the research methods of text analysis and document analysis to think about and study the definition, the overall development, the narrative structure, the narrative perspective, the narrative time, the narrative language and the narrative strategies on financial documentaries.The overall development on financial documentary. By 2013, there were 37 financial documentaries all over the country and 32 documentaries were made by CCTV. While the content of financial documentaries had become increasingly rich, the form had become relatively neatly. In general,the majority of the topical choices of domestic financial documentaries kept up with the hotspot of economy, tending to narrate from the macroscopic point of view. The development of the financial documentary of CCTV could be divided into three phases, namely the discovery phase, the transition phase and the development phase.The researching on the definition of the documentary and the financial documentary. Documentary is one kind of the images on historical materials. The financial documentary is a kind of the documentary which is focus on recording finance and through which to reflect the human society economic activities and economic phenomenon.The narrative structure of the financial documentary of the CCTV. This thesis started to study from the practice of the financial documentaries and combined with the narrative structure theory of documentary. The financial documentaries of CCTV mainly used the escalating structure to build the narrative.The study about the narrative perspective of the financial documentary of the CCTV. This thesis mainly studied from three areas,the omniscient narrative,the limiting narrative and the objective narrative.When using the omniscient narrative, the financial documentaries adopted two main ways, one was narrating through the aside to control from a macroscopic view, the other was controlling with the host directly. While the narrator or the host all needed to complete the following tasks, explained the background, strung the event and controlled the rhythm. The financial documentary of the CCTV usually used the limiting narrative with the other narrative perspectives. While it also usually used the objective narrative to enhance the objectivity of the event and the narrator could use this narrative perspective to show intent obliquely either.The study of the narrative time of the financial documentary of CCTV. This thesis mainly studied form two aspects,the duration and the narrative time-series. I mainly combined the research results of Seymour Chatman to study this part. On the one hand, the financial documentary of CCTV used the scene to narrate the big or small stories of the economic events. On the other hand,it used the scene as the essential component to let most of the narratives be made in it. The financial documentaries of CCTV mainly used the ellipsis to accelerate the narrative progression, avoiding unnecessary narrating of the understanding of the content. The financial documentary of CCTV usually used the summary to focus many aspects on narrating in the same process of a event, used the anisochronies to highlight some events, used the pause for data analysis or to describe the narrative background.Gerard Genette clearly pointed out the definition of the narrative time-series which was developed into the typical narration, the analepsis and the prolepsis. The financial documentaries of CCTV usually narrated in typical narration.The narrative language of the financial documentary of CCTV. The narrative language of movie and television are formed by the verbal narrative and non-verbal narrative, namely audio narrative and the narrative of the images. While the audio narrative of the financial documentary of CCTV were made up of five kinds, the aside, the sound of the interview, the oral sound, the musical sound and the accoustic sound. The financial documentary of CCTV made the aside as the main narrative language, while The Rise and Fall of the Empire and The Currency all selected woman’s voice as the aside, providing a new kind of movie-going experience for the audiences. Many of the financial documentaries used the oral sound as the very important part of the narrative sound. The musical sound of the financial documentary of the CCTV helped to advance the narrative process which usually appeared as the soundtrack. While the financial documentary always used the accoustic sound to add the authenticity of the narrative content, to express the emotional tendency and to “reappear” the pictures of the history helping the audiences to comprehend. The narrative of the images of the financial documentary were made up of two parts, the frame and the subtitling. While the frame could be divided into four parts, namely the frame which was filming at the scene, the frame of the true representation, the frame of the history documents and the oral frame. The frame which was filming at the scene could meet the people’s curiosity and enrich the narrative space. In The Rise and Fall of the Empire, the financial documentary of CCTV firstly used the performers to act the documentary, which was the bold but sane innovation to the filming of the documentary on the themes of the macro economy. While the subtitling of the financial documentary had three functions, “simultaneous interpretation”, hinting the key information and sometimes the information of the subtitling becoming the only channel which could pass the information. And the financial documentary of the CCTV usually used the suspensively narrative strategy.Making some suggestions about the financial documentary. On the one hand, the financial documentary should pay attention to express popularly and be good at adding some content which could engage the audience. On the other hand, the financial documentary should refine the content of the themes and dig the professional depth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Documentary, Financial documentary, General development, Narrative study
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