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A Study Of Grammaticalization Of Verbs In Thai Language

Posted on:2016-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330464464931Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the 《Thai grammar new adaptation》.Mr Jian Ming Lu has mentioned Thai and Chinese belong to the Sino-Tibetan language, they all have tones. From the type of language, they are belongs to Isolating Language, none of them have or lack of Words morphological markers and morphological changes; Isolated language usually use word order and function words to express grammatical meaning, so the function words have an important role in Thai language.Function words means word have no complete word meaning, but have grammatical meaning or functional meaning. In Chinese, function words including prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary, onomatopoeia and interjection. Thai function words also include ? ??????(preposition),? ???????(conjunctions),? ?????(particle),? ??????(interjection). Thai and Chinese use the same word order and function words to express grammatical meaning, function words play an important role in the expression grammar.The study of Grammaticalization of verbs in Thai language still relatively less, for the study of Grammaticalization of verbs is even less, many studies remains on the summary of Synchronic plane. The blurring process only indicates simple meanings induction, Instructions and summary superficial regular pattern.So I think to study abstraction in Thai language is valuable. Combined Dr. Paul J. Hopper’s view about grammaticalization, it is essential to do a detailed study on the reason and the process of Thai abstraction, to make sure the study combine multiple perspectives-semantics, functions, syntax. Seeks to reveal the deep relationship of the language and it develop motivation.Thai language have 700 years history, from the language type, it has the characteristics of isolated words. From the status of language, it has blurred phenomenon, from historical data level, the study of Thai abstraction is full of potential.Study blur in Thai language is able to make more understanding of Concurrence in modern Thai.Blur is a historical category. Any notional blur is not happen in one second, blur is not function words replace notional word,it indicate a word split into two or more words,Various forms of long-term coexistence.The study helps explain Concurrence and no longer confused.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thai, Verbs, Grammaticalization
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