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On The Application Of Adaptation Theory In Classroom Interpreting

Posted on:2016-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M D LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With accelerating globalization, the booming market of international educational projects calls for classroom interpreting of various fields and forms. With Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory as the point of departure, this paper discusses the theory’s application in classroom interpreting through an analysis of the author’s interpretation at Suzhou Hongwen Language learning Institute. In particular, the theory of contextual adaptation and adaptation of linguistic structure are discussed in the paper. Classroom interpreting facilitates teaching when there are language barriers. Therefore, the interpreter should faithfully convey whatever is taught in the class and meet other needs in class. According to the Adaptation Theory, the use of language to communicate consists of continuous making of linguistic choices, which is driven by inner-lingual and/or extra-lingual factors.The choices are made for better communication. The paper argues that the classroom interpreter also has to make continuous choices to meet the needs of both sides. It is concluded that conscious deliver of the application of the Adaptation Theory offers the interpreter more choices and possibilities in interpreting.
Keywords/Search Tags:adaptation theory, classroom interpreting, early childhood education
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