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On The Coexistence Of Cultures In The Time Of Technicalization

Posted on:2016-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461972761Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the culture in the time of technicalization falls increasingly into oneness. The technicalization shields the nature of culture and results gradually in its problem in modern time. No answer can be found to this plight, because it dissolves itself merely in the rebirth of culture nature. This nature is distinguished from essence or foundation and means self-achievement and naturalization of culture. That is the homeland of dwelling, which is the being of human in world, and its building, which emerges in the historical forms of thinking, art and dialect. Language constitutes the homeland of dwelling. The natural culture shows the way of returning to this. At the same time, dwelling determines also the nature of technology. But technicalization resists it and then results in the crisis of Being as Homeless. The problem of culture is no other than the crisis of technicalization. However, crisis promises in the meantime also the possibility of transition as returning, which overcomes technicalization and manifests as rebirth of culture. Upon the identity of technology and culture, the rebirth shows the freedom of Being-This as Being-With, i.e. Coexistence. Man builds on this account the homeland of dwelling and makes culture as such. Hence, the coexistence of cultures in the time of technicalization presents the possibility of comtemporary Being. Corresponding to the end of metaphysics and the accomplischment of question on Being, this possibility occurs as dwelling returning to Language-Homeland. As the guiding itself, Language points already and always the way of Returning. And in the boundary of Heidegger’s dicussing on Being, the Thinking as such can acquires his enlightenment:listen attentively to the showing of Language-Speaking. The discussion about culture on this basis will receive the essential horizon. As inspiration of western idea, this provides also a new possibility for the rebirth of chinese culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:culture, technicalization, conexistence, dwelling, language
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