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The Natural Views Of Guan Zi

Posted on:2016-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461950484Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, influenced by western philosophy, Chinese ideological and academic gradually began to pay attention to exploring the natural view, especially about the universe exploration."Guanzi" covers many aspects of politics, economy, military, management, content is very complex, but the "pipe" is not one moment to make, so the first part of the body of Guan Zhong and the "pipe" are introduced briefly in this paper. "The tube" in the view of nature is also a lot of discussion, such as the widely existed on the nature of water, land, forest and the other is unique and incisive exposition, that water is the origin of all things is when it comes to water, water and people’s moral character is intrinsically linked, water can also be of god. When it comes to day, talked about several aspects of the meaning of day, is a personal or divine of the "day", one is the nature of the day, the heaven thought have also been discussed. Deny the divinity, began to explain the nature of natural. When it comes to the time that students of all things, is the political foundation, can according to need to "positive", for the rational use of land, to adjust measures to local conditions. On the mountain, in the importance of forest development and at the same time to strengthen the protection of forest resources."Guanzi" view of nature is not independent, it is more or less influenced by the pre Qin Taoism, such as inheritance of ontology, and understanding of the laws of nature are more or less influenced by each other. "Guanzi" even proposed coincides with the question of the origin of western philosophy ontology. "Water" in the article on the records of the origin, the water is the origin of all things in the universe is the ontology thought, origin of Western Philosophy in the era of Telles, philosopher Anaximander, Hera Crete et al. Mainly discusses the ontology is the problem of the origin of the universe. Although the origin of the universe ontology each philosopher think different, but they all have a tendency to be the origin of the universe in nature, whether it’s water or fire or. In fact in pre Qin Dynasty’s view of nature is not based on the ontology as the main object of study, the pre Qin philosophers in their own point of view shows how the tendency, they care about is more ethical aspects of things, such as the relationship between nature and man. "Guanzi" also is such, its view of nature inevitably affected by pre Qin Confucianism and Taoism, yin and Yang home, also showed such a tendency, which appears to be in nature, but in reality is about the relationship between heaven and man. And the western thoughts like to explore why different, including the "tube", all classes of authors of pre Qin works more like tell us what to do, the people is the Enlightenment thinkers become an author foothold.
Keywords/Search Tags:GuanZi, Natural Views, Ethics, Civilized nations
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