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Research On The Status Quo Of Ancient Chinese Textbooks Of Universities

Posted on:2016-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461950023Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ancient Chinese is a very important basic course of colleges and universities,and the main purpose is to cultivate students’ ability of reading ancient books,improve the students’ Chinese level and cultural quality, so as to inherit Chinese excellent culture heritage. Since the 1950 s, the ancient Chinese textbooks construction has achieved great development, different versions, style and content of ancient Chinese textbooks have emerged, presented the flowers.In this paper, collecting and organizing the published since the founding of the ancient Chinese textbooks’ basic situation, carries on the classification, the induction, and study its style, anthologies, general theory, and so on and so forth,which summed up the experience and laws about ancient Chinese textbooks.This paper will be divided into five chapters: first chapter is introduction,introduced the selected topic reason, research purpose and significance, research ideas and methods, etc. The second chapter for the study of the ancient Chinese textbooks, finishing the previous studies conducted by the ancient Chinese textbooks. The third chapter for the ancient Chinese textbooks and research, made a classification of the ancient Chinese textbooks, to the style of textbooks, selection of summary and description, the general theory of project. The fourth chapter is about ancient Chinese textbooks. The fifth chapter is conclusion. Comb through to the ancient Chinese textbooks system, reviews the status quo, achievements,problems and sort out the train of thought of development, based on this, advances about ancient Chinese textbooks written in thinking, in order to contribute to the construction of the ancient Chinese textbooks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient Chinese, Textbooks, Status quo, colleges and universities
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