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Study On Chen Wenwei And His Poems

Posted on:2016-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461491817Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chen Wenwei was a poet and educator of Shangrao, Jiangxi province in the Southern Song Dynasty. Athough he has a place in the history of literature, but not well-known to people.There is little researches on Chen Wenwei’s works in the academic circle. For the study of the poetry especially the whole poetry is less.The current papers only reflect his educational thoughts which mostly scattered in a small amount of thesis.This paper is based on the "the poetry of the Song Dynasty", which was edited by Mr.Fu Xuanzong in1991. The other textual researches on his lifetime and poetry by other seniors are references at the same time.This paper will do systematic and comprehensive research on Chen Wenwei’s poetry from the main content、artistic expression and characteristics.The full text is divided into three parts: introduction, body, conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces Chen Wenwei and his works, and currently academic studies on him and his works. The conclusion summarizes the research technique on the study of poetry of Chen Wenwei and achievements. There also put forward the part which is worth to continue studying on him and his works. The body of this paper is divided into three chapters:The first chapter summarizes the Chen Wenwei’s life and his works. There show the investigation about his life firstly and then the condition of his friendship. As the poet spent most of his lifetime in seclusion and achieved no success in official career, the poet had used his literary achievements to win friends and broaden the view of literature. An overview of the poet’s friends pave the way for the study of the content of Chen Wenwei’s poetry.From the second to fourth chapter analyses the main content of Chen Wenwei’s poems. From the style of poetry, the poetry is divided into presented and farewell poems, landscape and idyll poems and poems of praising of objects. These categories are the main part of Chen Wenwei’s poetry, and by way of the appreciation of the poems, we can sort out the life experience and the poem creation of Chen Wenwei.The fifth chapter analyses the artistic characteristics of Chen Wenwei’s poetry. His poetry has simple and natural language and fresh and bright style.Combined with the era background, regional characteristics and the poet’s personality, this paper analysis the factors which influencing the style of poetry.The conclusion, based on the above research, is trying to make a fair and objective evaluation to Chen Wenwei’s poetry, and restore his status and influence in poetry history in Song Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chen Wenwei, poetry, song poetry, artistic characteristics
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