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The Labyrinth Of Identity

Posted on:2016-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z T XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461490823Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cindy Sherman is the most influential photographic artist in America contemporary art, she is good at express their artistic conception to self, in her masterpiece "Untitled Fi Im Stills" series works, she will own up to the last century in the movies and TV dramas f emale characters. The series consists of 69 black-and-white photographs,69 black-and-w hite photographs of her were playing 69 different female images.This paper attempts to study the problem of identity "heroine" Untitled Film Stills series works in contemporary art in the context of visual culture, psychology, borrow and mirror theory to interpret. The first is based on Sherman’s growth process analysis to answer "Untitled Film Stills" series of works produced by the original cause, and then from the perspective of visual culture analysis of the 69 stills actress Sherman’s was influenced by the mass media and other cultural gaze, thus solve the mystery of the identity of the heroine, finally, the heroine’s amazing image interpretation of contemporary female identity problems hidden behind the works.In contemporary art photography, Sherman’s status is irreplaceable, she explained with a derisive attitude of contemporary women’s life, her artistic concept also allows us to begin to look at the world, lead us to a new round of thinking of their own gender identity...
Keywords/Search Tags:selfie, photography, body art, feminist art
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