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The Ethical Analysis To The Phenomenon Of Rich Animosity In Contemporary China

Posted on:2016-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
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The phenomenon of rich animosity is accompanied by the generation of wealth where a wealth diffrence exists,and it consists of allcontries and regions.Originally, it is understandable, because a certain degree of rich animosity is conducive to the development of the society. But along with the deeper of our country reform, the wealth of part person is piling up while some others at the edge of hungry which intensifies the resentment of vulnerable people, so some people get psychological balance by wanton destruction of property of the rich, the more serious of which is kidnap or kill the rich, and it makes the rich and the contradiction between the social vulnerable groups is more and more outstanding.It not only aggravates the strain of the interpersonal relationship, but also harms the social stability and peace.Therefore,the ethical analysis of the phenomenon of rich animosity has important theoretical and practical significance in the current of our society.Rich animosity has two types of whice one is the rich are all enemies, and the other one is some of the rich are enemies.The frist one is without discrimination on the wealthy class which not only dispel the enthusiasm of rich to get more wealth, and bring troubles to themselves. The latter is to hate the people who get rich by unfair means,and it not only brings thinks to the rich, but also promotes themeselves to choose appropriate methods to get rich. Visible, the frist type is a kind of irrational behavior, and the latter one is a proper behavior.The cause of the phenomenon of rich animosity is not only the influence of the traditional ethics on wealth, and the value orientation of contemporary social popular deviation, and the lack of ethics in the construction of market economy system. Specifically, traditional wealth ethics includes "justice outweighing benefit" and "equality is more then lack". "The frist thought has been fettered people’s perception of wealth and the rich,and it sustanins that be rich and cruel, advocating "Sha Fu Ji Pin", which set the stage for contemporary social of rich animosity. In addition, the latter is the pursuit of a kind of absolute average deeply ingrained in our minds.Contemporary people has received the baptism of the opening up and has accepted the western perception of money, and has changed the old concept of "poor". On the contrary, braking through the bondage of "justice outweighing benefit",people take the rich as a pursuit of life. However, there are part of social vulnerable groups still staying in the"equality is more then lack"period of delusion by the rich to change their existing life.On the other hand,the lack of institutional ethics creates injustice in the society,superadd some rich showing their wealth through unreasonable consumption, which stimulates the nerve of the vulnerable group and aggravates the degree of rich animosity."Rich animosity" is not really hatred for wealth, but the improper wealthy way and conspicuous behavior of the rich. To solve the problem of rich animosity,wo need start from the institutional justice, using the justice ethics to construct the system in which we can pay attention to the interests of vulnerable groups, and supply fairness in distribution system, to provide institutional guarantee for dissolve the phenomenon of rich animosity. In addition, we need create a harmonious atmosphere, promoting social ethical care,and optimize the social environment to create conditions for the laxation between vulnerable groups and the rich. How to resolve the phenomenon of rich animosity is an important subject of contemporary society. From the ethical perspective, we should not only establish the ethics of wealth to correct the wrong perception.Also we should improve the system of ethics,and advocate justice.At last,we need use the ability of caring ethics to resolve the contradictions between different classes.
Keywords/Search Tags:The phenomenon of rich animosity, The ethical root, resolve methods
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