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The "Conflict Aesthetics" Of Visual Art And Experience Transformation

Posted on:2016-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P S CaiFull Text:PDF
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In a secular perspective, especially in the Chinese culture, "conflict" two words is always a negative word. But if we pay attention to the modern western aesthetics, we will find a similar noun, is "violence aesthetics". The earliest use of "conflict" and "aesthetic" of the two conflicting words linked to this concept comes from the film art. In China, this is a new word at the end of the 1990’s began to introduce, have quite a "heat" in recent years, more and more scholars, artists began to pay attention to and talk about the problems of aesthetics. Both from a historical point of view, or from the technical level of language, as one of the frontier topic in today’s aesthetics, conflict between "Aesthetics" has become one of the most often appears in literature, painting, sculpture, film and other visual art work. For modern people, the conflict of the aesthetic cognition is more from the film and television works, the people in the film scene conflict scene bring people visual stimulation, stays in the sense level. Then the same for the visual art sculpture works and how to the conflict of the aesthetics of interpretation and expression? There is the history of many sculptors standing sculptures to explain the perspective of conflict the topic of aesthetics, its expression in form, presentation form and so on many aspects are the breakthrough and change. As early as the Han Dynasty stone works Chinese "Jing Ke pricks Qin Wang", "two peach killing three people", the Western Han Dynasty woodcarving "armed tomb figures," Sichuan Dazu Rock Carvings "dark world" has been involved in human understanding of the aesthetics. The aesthetics in the contemporary works of art has been a breakthrough artist with a German artist Liz in Barcelona, he to frank, rude chop, intuitive in his wood carving works to illustrate their own perception of social human nature; "I" works from the British sculptor Mark Queen, is also a kind of break the aesthetics the creation of material.The human to explore this aesthetic almost never stopped. This paper tries to analysis the history of artists on this topic appears in the sculpture, discussion. Thus the conflict of real life experience into a personal artistic creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sculpture, visual art, aesthetics experience, conflict conversion
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