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A Report On The Translation Of Contemporary America: Power, Dependency, And Globalization Since 1980

Posted on:2016-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translation material is an excerpt from Contemporary America: Power, Dependency, and Globalization Since 1980(Chapter Nine). This chapter mainly describes the economic and social changes of America in globalization. The language in this book is formal and of moderate difficulty.This translation practice report consists of four parts as follows: The description of the translation task, the process of translation, case study of translation and the summary of the translation task. In the part of translation description, the author makes a brief introduction of the source text. The part of translation process displays how the whole English-Chinese translation practice is conducted, including some preparations, difficulties encountered during the first translation, revision, embroidery and confirmation of the final version. Furthermore, the author analyzes the cases in the process of translation from the aspects of lexicon, syntax and discourse. In conclusion, the author summarizes the gains and inspirations in the translation practice and makes suggestions on translation learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary America: Power,Dependency,and Globalization Since 1980, English-Chinese translation, case study
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