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An Ancient Egg-shaped And Cultural Planning And Development

Posted on:2015-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330452968209Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the literature data, image data and real dataabout these ancient potteryXun materials as a starting point, combined with the results of previous studies,analyzesand studies the shape, pattern characteristicsand Xun patterns on pottery Xun design,packaging design, Xun Xun Xun cultural, aesthetic, cultural planning and development.Analysis of image data andarchaeological data, ancient pottery Xun has a differentshape, to eggs, there are other specific Xun Xun, thesereflect the development of societyat that time. Xunbeautiful tone, reflected the Confucian thought to and for the UnitedStates, Xun showed functional beauty,emotional beauty; Xun need visual languageimage designcomplete, in order to promote easy, Xun cultural planning anddevelopment demonstration, conception, the Xun toinherit and develop. In the aestheticof Xun Xun was studied, innovation is an aesthetic from implementsfunction part of the.This paper makes a tentative discussion on pottery Xun,pattern, shape aesthetic, packingand planning etc.. In the study, the research process due to the lack ofarchaeology,history, culture and geography knowledge,so the analysis of pottery Xun data is notdeep enough,thorough, the author would like to use this as the starting point for thestudy of ancient pottery Xun, the futurefurther research.
Keywords/Search Tags:an ancient egg-shaped, shape, pattern, aesthetic, planning
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