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The Bioethics Thought Of Buddhist And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2015-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F GuoFull Text:PDF
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Rapid development in today’s society, many ethical issues to be solved of life, Buddhism asa mature development in the world has a complete set of theory system, one of the biggestreligion doctrine is profound and complex, with a system of world view, outlook on life,epistemology, methodology, Buddhism is not bioethics, but it contains the rich life ethics.This article from the following several aspects in this paper, first an overview of importantuniverse ontology and the ontology of Buddhism, including the cause and effect and the theoryof origin two basic theory of life ethics, reveals the life flow mechanism in Buddhism andrepresented by the four noble truths and the three Yin said the life value theory; In which thecore idea of Buddhism bioethics thought, namely, the essence of life and value, the root of the"bitter", illustrates the Buddhism to nirvana for the liberation of the "bitter" of life; Then fromthe life of Buddhism on the basis of all living things equality view, merciful as the core of theuniversal values, to nirvana as the goal of life beyond the three aspects in this paper, the maincontent of Buddhism bioethics thought; Discusses with "ring, set, wise" school as the core of lifeethics, the practice of the discipline, kung fu, the wisdom of the internal relations of complementeach other and practice Buddhism bioethics principles are analyzed; Then mainly from thesuperstition color of Buddhism in mystery, negative element in the bioethical thoughts ofBuddhism and Buddhist ethics thought of people’s initiative of negative three aspects analyzesthe limitations of Buddhist life ethics thought; Finally combining with bioethical issues intoday’s society, such as "euthanasia" and animal ethics problems and the core spirit of thesocialist harmonious society construction in our country, evaluate the contemporary value of lifeethics thought of Buddhism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buddhism, bioethics, thought, Value
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