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Buddhist Bioethical Thought

Posted on:2013-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beginning the middle of the twentieth Century, with the rapid development of scienceand technology and the rapid development of the world economy, people increasingly facewith complex problems of lives. How to treat life and death? How to transcend the life and torealize the value of life. These are the problems that the bioethic concerns. In such a change ofworld, the human need a ethical foundation in urgent. What’s more, No doubt that religion isone of the human wisdom of the great tradition. Development of mature religions have a setof themselves theory systems, especially the complex and profound Buddhist meaningbecause the Buddhist have systematic world outlook, philosophy, epistemology, methodology.That’s to say, it is a very complete system of philosophy. Its ethical thought is very rich andhas a set of rules of ethics. We can even say that ethics is the core content of buddhism." Don’t be evil and do all good practice. Self-purification of its meaning is the Buddhism."Buddhist ethics emphasize on is the most fundamental standards and norms that evil fromthe good, equality and compassion. From" What goes around comes around " the belief basisto establish the basic Buddhist ethics code of conduct and norms. Thus the BuddhistCompassion, equality, be happy in doing good as Buddhists necessary conduct. Buddhismbelieves that besides the comprehension ability difference in kind, and eventually realize thisis exactly equal to the. Buddhist reverence for life extremely strong sense, this expression cannot kill creed. It advocated compassion should Ze and all beings, love the show not only amaterial, is to the Buddhist teachings, to share in the merit, in order to achieve the harmonybetween man and himself, the harmony between person and person, person and all otherexisting harmonious symbiosis.Buddhism is not bioethics, but it contains a wealth of bioethics thought. To achieve theideal to action efforts, action and requires the correct guiding ideology, Buddhism hasproposed a series of realizing the ideal realm of thought, to guide the practice of behavior.Analysis, mining Buddhist life ethics thought, for the establishment of a modern view of life,view of life and death and the ecological ethics and the increasingly prominent bioethics issuehas important theoretical value and practical significance...
Keywords/Search Tags:Buddhism, bioethics, origin, equality, lenity
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