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The Comments Of The Discussion Of Death In The Four Spectacular Books Of Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2015-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330434965561Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Four Spectacular Books represented in fiction which in chapter back to theform of the development of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hearted showing a maturestate of affairs. Death is an important part of the narrative structure, whetherfiction text, or as recipients of Comment discourse of Critics on novels, Allcontain a profound aesthetic value. On the basis of our predecessors, from theperspective of Comment of the Four Spectacular Books, use the narrative, ethicsand other related knowledge, from hermeneutics, aesthetics acceptance point ofview, from the emotional cognitive, moral function, aesthetic ignited, narrativefunction these four aspects thought to form in accordance with the principlesin Confucianism dominated Cultural Perspective view, analyze the Novels of Mingand Qing Dynasties written by the outpouring home death unique aesthetic charm,combing explore the significance of death, cause people to rethink the valueof life, embodied in literary theory advocated humane care.Feudal rulers Confucian culture dominated ideologically traction literativalues and moral orientation, which is also deeply affect the commentaries FourGreat family way of thinking. As a reader of commentaries who recognized theimportant role of death in the novel text, With the recipient’s attitude revealsa distinct emotional tendency on Comment discourse of death, they accept thefact of death and rational manner the subject, recognizing the inevitabilityof death and the absolute nature of the law to fit the development of artisticcreation and the purpose of life, but in when faced with the death of an idealfigure, and with sensual way to resist death, to "resurrection","dream" in theform of an ideal figure immortal hope. Consider to limitations in understanding,they with prevailing religious concepts to explain the death, the death ofemotional expression recognition. Commentaries and novels attendant is also are-creation of literature on the evaluation of the death of the individual, totheir own particular cultural awareness and moral values to judge the value ofthe meaning of death, whether it is the moral ideal of kings or scholarsself-cultivation, and extended to the whole society critique of reality, haveignited their moral aspirations, which also penetrate the commentaries weredeeply Confucian family as the theme of the cultural imprint. Narrative art,in the overall plot structure, death is indispensable organic links. Criticsnoted the narrative function of death, in their commentaries discourse, saw thedeath of shaping the characters, to promote the development of both fictionstories has a crucial impact, a comprehensive picture of the structure andfunction of narrative writing death. Late Ming and Early Qing period,Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism mixed, Criticized the atmosphere is verypopular, political and social unrest, to a certain extent, affected the critics’comments were mindset. With the seeds of capitalism, individualself-consciousness, on the aesthetic also reflects its own unique aesthetic personality, starting from the aesthetic discovery; comment discourse of deathalso contains a unique aesthetic implication. They create the atmosphere fromthe dead, humble and sublime coexist aesthetic orientation, personality andtemperament to pursue other aspects of mining to the aesthetic significance ofdeath.Four Spectacular Books of critics as well as their cultural and moral valuesof integration commentaries death, Shown in the large field of view oftraditional Confucian culture, their own moral ideals, values meaning, aestheticand theoretical pursuit of conscious awareness, they are not directly discussthe subject of death and processes to kill more deaths contrast with "live"important meaning and value. Critics of the novel combination of text andcommentaries, Characteristics of the elements from the death of the novel, thenarrative logic, structural techniques, aesthetic discovery framework tostructure of the novel aspects of critical theory, critical theory system makesthe novel began to take shape, but also penetrate the science fiction Commentconscious in theory, for future generations creation and development of thetheory of narrative literature had a profound impact.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comment of Four Spectacular Books, Death, emotional cognition, moral ignited, narrative function, aesthetic refers apartment
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