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Qiu Ying Green Landscape Research

Posted on:2015-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431990583Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Green landscape is one of the classic styles of traditional Chinese painting, and is mainly a unique wayto express the real nature and the painter’s inner emotional feelings. It has a glorious historical backgroundand unique aesthetic characteristics. Green landscape has two styles, one is strong green landscape and theother one is pastel green landscape. The strong green landscape with gorgeous colors is very beautiful, andthe pastel green landscape with light colors is full of charm. But no matter which one is full of magnificentmomentum, gorgeous colors, strong decorative screen and symbolic expression of art, making it a beautifultraditional Chinese painting that can’t be ignored, thus it has always been standing in the stage of art.In advocating ink paining style of the Ming Dynasty, Qiu Ying achieved recognition and achievementswith green landscape, which could be said to be unique rare case in the Ming Dynasty landscape painters.In generally speaking, Qiu Ying green landscape style can be divided into two categories: one is stronggreen landscape with gorgeous, and the other one is pastel green landscape with calligraphic elements. QiuYing beautiful green landscape in addition to the expression on the pure color language and the inklanguage, still followed the development of the times, and closely connected with cultural ideological trendat that time. There were many secular themes of the Ming Dynasty and meaningful emotions of literaticlass in Qiu Ying’s work, which was to meet the aesthetic needs of society and increase the level ofappreciation. This made people love his works, including the literati class and the public sectors. Qiu Yingsuccessfully found his own unique painting language of art that is a balance between the Yuan Ti paintingand the literati painting.This article emphatically from the several aspects to analyze in detail: the cause of Qiu Ying greenlanguage, its artistic style, aesthetic proposition, and the interpretation of representative works. On thecause of it, the middle of the Ming Dynasty was a special feudal development period, with the rapiddevelopment of economic, the progress of humanistic thinking and the transformation of artisticenvironment and social aesthetic. All of them contributed to the formation of Qiu Ying aesthetic proposition,so as to guide the style of Qiu Ying green landscape. In addition, the painting pigment of the Ming Dynastyin the development and changes, also had made great progress than before, providing more convenient conditions and abundant resources. Qiu Ying’s experiences of learning painting were both difficult and rich.In the grasp of colors and feelings, his experience as a young painter had brought him great help that wassolid color skills and steadfast, hard learning attitude. After that, Wen Zhengming appeared who was veryimportant for Qiu Ying. He not only took care of Qiu Ying, but also introduced him to a highly respectedteacher------Zhou Chen. Qiu Ying learned to pure painting language of Yuan Ti painting and rigorousartistic style from Zhou Chen there, which provided a great help to Qiu Ying future of art, but also had laida solid foundation for his green landscape style of art. Qiu Ying, in the old age, lived in the home of thewealthy for a long time. He could study hard all previous art achievements. As the communication of QiuYing and “Wu Men painting branch” s deepening, eventually formed his unique new painting style of greenlandscape, which had a profound influence on later generations. Qiu Ying green landscape connected thesecular life with the ideal of ordinary citizens fully together, which was full of strong vitality. Whenviewers see his art works, just like back in that time, they will have feelings of warm and natural, and thismakes it easier for the public to be accepted and loved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qiu Ying, green landscape, public sectors, secularization, literati feelings
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