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The Explore Of Playing The Ravel G Major Piano Concerto

Posted on:2015-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M N JinFull Text:PDF
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Mauri ce Ravel (Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), the famous French composer, one of the most outstanding representatives of impressionist composers. His music creation style mainly relates to opera, orchestral music, piano three areas. The creation of piano works can reflect ravel most distinctive style. In his piano works,"G major piano concerto" with its rich connotation of the music occupied France piano concerto work’s leading position. This work shows the neoclassical style, explained the impressionism music style, and penetrate the jazz music factors; Playing music vocabulary rich change and the technique of sex techniques appeared ravel superb music creativity. So the G major piano concerto, and to improve students’ ability to play music appreciation ability has a promoting effect.This article from the "G major piano concerto" style of music, music structure and music vocabulary to the analysis of the play to explore for work to discuss how to better play the piano concerto in G major. Framework of the paper into two parts:the first part of this paper ravel’s music creation and G major piano concerto "the creation background and music characteristics. The second part, the analysis "G major piano concerto" play the point.Ravel "G major piano concerto", a total of three movement, every movement of the music features and skills are not the same. Playing every movement, emphasize through different technique and technology training, combining the expressive force of music, to show the different content of music or music image. Study G major piano concerto, in how to grasp the connotation of the playing skill and music in the piano, have positive practical significance. In recent years, with normal universities and college of music for piano music and French impressionist music research in-depth, to ravel’s life and creation style and orchestral music masterpiece to introduce more, for the "G major piano concerto" the research and analysis is relatively scarce. Through a study of the work to deepen the understanding of ravel and French piano music and understanding, at the same time hope to ravel piano works and research can received considerable attention.
Keywords/Search Tags:ravel, Music creation, "G major piano concerto", Play the main points
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