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Discussing The Novelization Of The Language Of Lao She’s Drama

Posted on:2015-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431978909Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lao She’s drama works such as "Dragon Beard Ditch","Teahouse" and so on arewell-known after the founding of the state, but the drama works such as "Residual Fog","Country First" and others during the period of Anti-Japanese War are less well known.If the Cao Yu’s drama is theatrical, Tian Han’s is poetic, Xia Yan’s is prose, in that way,Lao She’s drama is fictionalized. Tracing back to the period of Anti-Japanese War, LaoShe started his novelistic drama creation exploration with his maiden work "Teahouse".This thesis mainly conducts a profound and systematic research on the drama creation’snovelization based on the nine drama creation as document literature during the periodof Anti-Japanese War by the argumentation of combining theory with history and themethod of social and historical criticism. Although there are many researches about LaoShe, most of them focus on novel or some famous drama "Dragon Beard Ditch","Teahouse",the researches about his drama are few, especially his drama’s novelizationduring the period of Anti-Japanese War. The research about his drama during theAnti-Japanese War is relatively weakness, especially about the novelization of hisdrama creation. Lao She inherited a bold breakthrough and innovation in traditionalChinese and foreign drama based on the theory and coalesced creative techniques andmethods in drama creation, forming the novelization of Lao She’s drama creation. LaoShe’s drama creation advocated "people with things” during the period of Anti-JapaneseWar in the conception. He determined characters firstly and then to built the entiredrama through the characters when he designed his drama creation, so he shaped manytypical and abundant figures. This is the advantage of portrayed character which LaoShe brings into drama creation, presenting the novelization. About handling the plot,Lao She’s drama creation advocated "things with the people," during the period ofAnti-Japanese War, the use of such arbitrariness about novel writing led to theinsufficient conflicts in his drama creation, which also makes his drama creationfictionalization. He proposed that the drama is in the main form of dialogue, andmeanwhile Lao She proposed the language of drama creation to be personalizedlanguage features with "words to the people to", thus highlighting the personality traits of the characters in the drama. The novelization of Lao She’s drama creation during theperiod of Anti-Japanese War has its success side, meanwhile it also has defects. Notonly do we see the novelization of drama creation during the period of Anti-JapaneseWar plays positive role about the "national mobilization", but also does the significanceof Lao She’s drama novelization during the period of Anti-Japanese War about dramacreation after the founding of state should be seen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lao She, the period of Anti-Japanese War, drama, novelization
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