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Transition Of The Image Of Salome From Bible To Wilde

Posted on:2015-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K W YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431967399Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Salome is a mysterious image in Western art, her prototype stem from The New Testament of The Bible, Salome image appeared frequently in Western art history. In the works of art of every times, the image of Salome will be given a new meaning, and sparked a huge controversy. The Salome image itself is a derivative, radioactive and richness to many later poets, novelists, artists, playwrights offers unlimited creative possibilities.Through to recalling the image of Salome, generally seen her developing clues, from a fuzzy prototypes of religious classic, this time Salome was a nameless girl, her image is innocent and pure of humanity.To the Renaissance,Salome seems to be the favorite subject to the masters, the story of her being constantly into the painting. Leonardo Da Vinci, Titian, Caravaggio have made different interpretations to her, Salome image becomes more and more vivid, this period,the masters look at this story from the humanity angle. Not strongly rendering the religious atmosphere of the story, also does not place the characters in good and evil.In Henie’s poem, Salome image has not been definited, but her image expresse something about the male longing for the beauty of female, and also expressing a deep fear of the female.In the novel of Gustave Flaubert, Salome image is the embodiment of beauty, as well as pursuing the desire. The readers had a glimpse of sexuality.To the modern civilization, she began to show the complex and confusion about the order of human civilization and the soul, The painting of Gustave Moreau, Salome has multiple meanings:the image of pretty, the image of love, the image of desire and destruction, finally in the works of Oscar Wilde and Aubrey Beardsley, Salome reached her ultimate, love and destroy unified together. Wilde make Salome image to a peak, the Syrian and the king of Herod also make the image of Salome more plump, she became a deeply desire symbol of human nature.Salome is always accompanied by the development of social culture, which show different significance in different periods, she is a unique aesthetic manifestations of human self-consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Salome, Changes, Human nature, Desire, Destroy, Self-consciousness, Bisexual
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