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Research On The Portrait Stones Of The Han Dynasty In SuiDe Area

Posted on:2015-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431957504Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Northern Shaanxi is one of China’s four areas discovering portrait stones, and SuiDe is a county where the most portrait stones were found. Whatever, they are representative in the quantity and the theme in China. The portrait stones in SuiDe were well-known after the Founding of PRC. As the products of the ancient burial custom, their birth are closely related to the social trend, the historical background and geographical environment in Qin and Han period. However, the portrait stones only lasted one hundred years, fading away with the destruction of the East Han dynasty. But as a unique historical relics, they are with high historical and artistic value.In this paper, the discussions are held in the craftsmanship, the decorative features, the subject classification and the meaning of pictures. On hunting pictures reflected by the portrait stones of Han dynasty show the local culture of the rural areas in Qin and Han period as well as the superior ecological environment of Northern Shaanxi. Especially, these pictures related to agriculture reflect the farming life of people in those areas. The daily life in Han dynasty reappears through these pictures reflecting horses and chariots, visiting and greeting, a banquet, the fresco of Musical Dance of Spectacle and Circus and historical stories. The myths and legends, animals symbolizing auspicious on the stones show the belief of ancient people, which are the precious materials for studying the history of Qin and Han dynasty. Combining with the analysis of the related articles, it can be seen that some thoughts, such as the imagination of ascending to the heaven, immortal life, pictures for an auspicious sign, are prevalent at that time to express good wishes for the descendant. The door pictures of portrait stones tombs are quite distinctive and decorative. For example, jointed rings with four fixed god conveys the strong utilitarian idea of the ancient people functioned as defense, the aid of an immortal. Besides, inscriptions on the monuments in SuiDe recording the information about the tombs are easier to be unearthed, which are the basis of researching folk calligraphy, local politics and identity of the tombs of Han dynasty. Hence, they have great reference value on the studying the history of Han dynasty. A part of Han portrait stones in SuiDe have the performance of ethnic.From the appearance and behavior of these ethnic, we can not only deepen our understanding of the Han dynasty’s national policy, but also detect some integrating situation between the Han and neighboring nationalities.All in all. The portrait stones in SuiDe, well-known as large quantity and rich styles, have an insignificant position in Northern Shaanxi. What’s more, they not only reflect the social customs, institutions, religious beliefs from different angles, but also show the cultural achievement and the spirit of a great feudal era. This portrait stones art with the transitional status in the history of Chinese art is precious materials for the research of historical archeology and folk aesthetics. And Now it has become a famous cultural heritage in Northern Shaanxi.The research on portrait stones in SuiDe contributes to the development of local cultural resource, to creating local cultural brand, so that it can promote the development of local cultural industries.
Keywords/Search Tags:SuiDe, Han Dynasty, Portrait stones, culture
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