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The Aesthetic Criticize For Procrastination Character Of China’s TV Drama

Posted on:2015-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
TV dramas have changed with the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and development of economic globalization and evolving, especially in the gradual establishment of market economy and the rapid development of market economy. Now China is rapidly into the consumer era, popular culture has also undergone tremendous change, it was in a deep artistic drama transmutation process. Thus, scientifically clarify the aesthetic evolution and its impact consumer era Chinese drama art, is an important research topic. This procrastination is the result of the interaction of popular culture and the economic benefits. It is the nature of TV drama. If we will aesthetic criticize for this character, the key is to grasp the underlying causes of its produce.Therefore, this paper selects a representative to analyze domestic drama, and pointed out that procrastination destruction of the artistic aesthetic of TV drama is to obtain high economic benefits and advertising revenue, is a consumer age "money-oriented" criteria of aesthetic activity to mislead people this "procrastination" of the phenomenon has even spread throughout popular culture industries.This issue is divided into four chapters, the first chapter introduces the study of the origin and found that the procrastination of the aesthetic drama activities of daily life have a certain negative impact on specific issues. Secondly, it introduces some scholars relevant literature on television, media and consumer culture studies. Finally, introduces research methods. The second chapter in2012hit TV drama "The Tale of Mu Fu" as an example of success to the contrariety recent years, procrastination phenomenon of China’s TV dramas has become a common feature. The reason is that the arrival of the era of the consumer makes the creation and dissemination of popular culture began with economic priorities, while ignoring the drama of artistic. The third chapter is consist of procrastination is characterized by its inherent depth to explore the causes. Although procrastination is TV dramas’ nature, but the lack of innovation in the present status quot aesthetic drama, serious plagiarism and the role of the market factors that seeks profit prevailed, making TV drama has become a procrastination of the original beauty of the art of drama destruction, procrastination has become more serious and obvious. The last chapter summarizes the development direction of the issues raised, art should be thought of people’s daily lives and entertainment experience for the creation of the United States and the premise of the drama reflects the humanistic values and social benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:aesthetic criticize, TV drama, procrastination, consumption society
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