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A Research On Multidisciplinary Background Experiential Interpreting Teaching Mode

Posted on:2015-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431498706Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of the globalization era, non-English major graduateswith multidisciplinary background have more and more opportunities to useEnglish at work. In recent years, many scholars have realized that interpretingplays an important role in promoting college English teaching, stimulating theinterest in learning, improving the efficiency of listening comprehension,expanding the oral expression, and helping to improve the “rigid” phenomenonof learning English. Some college English teachers found non-English majorstudents with multidisciplinary background not only have the ability oftranslation, but also more advantages than English major students in professionaltranslation areas as interpreting may occur in all fields: economy, trade,engineering, machinery, energy, environment, law... and so on. The non-Englishmajor students can have simple interpretation skills and deal with some simpleinterpretation work situation, meet the social interpreting demands through theexperiential interpreting training. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt Englishinterpretation teaching mode to non-English major. This study will applyprofessional interpreting training mode to college English teaching. It is a newway of exploring the reform of college English teaching:Therefore, the author designs a training approach geared to non-Englishmajors on the basis of a thorough analysis of Gile’s Effort Model, the InterpretiveTheory, and Xiada Model of interpreting teaching, with reference to the syllabus,teaching modes and teaching methods of interpreting courses of English major.Picking out two groups of99students from The Far East Institute of HarbinUniversity of Science and Technology, the author conducted interpreting teachingmode and the traditional teaching to compare the outcome of the two. The authortries to reply such following questions.Can the interpreting training for non-English major students improve theirEnglish comprehensive ability, especially for listening and speaking? Is there any difference of the improvement after the interpreting training among students atdifferent English level and entrance scores? What are the students’ attitudes andopinions towards the interpreting training?This research adopts the action research method, assists tracking method ofnetwork teaching, and the methods of questionnaire investigation, at last theanalysis and the results are obtained. The multidisciplinary backgroundexperiential teaching mode is a beneficial attempt of college English teachingreform. It will improve the students’ foreign language comprehensive ability,develop their future career development space and improve teachers’ professionalquality.
Keywords/Search Tags:multidisciplinary background, non-English major college English, experiential interpretation model
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