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A Report On The Translation Of Love Letters By Katie Fforde

Posted on:2015-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431496809Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translation task is selected from Love Letters, which is written by Katie Fforde, aBritish bestselling novelist. Love Letters is about140,000words and the translator finishes thefirst three chapters, about15,000words, and takes10,000words as the source text.Katie Fforde is one of the most popular British contemporary romance novelists. Therehave been14books on the top of the bestseller lists since1995. Her language is simple, plainand humorous but each warm story could inspire its readers. However, none of her workshave been translated into Chinese so far. The language of Love Letters is in average difficultywith plain sentence pattern and simple words, which belongs to the general informal English.The translator chooses the combination of semantic translation and communicative translationas strategy, making the translation close to the source text in form and content and deliveringthe meaning accurately, so as to make it more readable.The report is divided into four parts: task description, process description, case analysisand summary&conclusion.Task description is an introduction of Love Letters, the author Katie Fforde andsignificance of this translation. Process description is about process before, of and aftertranslation. Case analysis is an account of difficult points with particular examples andstrategy. Summary&conclusion is the translator’s thoughts and experiences gained from thepractice: a qualified translator must be familiar with the differences between Chinese andEnglish and grasp practical translation skill, improve language-using ability, literaryaccomplishment and enlarge knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Katie Fforde, Love Letters, semantic translation, communicative translation, areport on the translation
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