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On Yin Xiang

Posted on:2015-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431489906Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yin Xiang(1686——1730), who was granted the title of "Prince Yi of the FirstRank"is a famous politician in the Qing dynasty. He lived in Kangxi period andYongzheng period. Especially in the Yongzheng period, he got the grace and trustfrom Yongzheng Emperor, and reached the top of the power. Not only did he assistedYongzheng Emperor to slash bureaucracy, rectify economy, undertake waterconservancy projects, but also assisted him to treatment military and diplomatic andso on. By a series of reform policy, the government affairs, the system constructionand the social various business in the early Yongzheng period, were taken on a newlook face. Thoroughly be exchanged the political and social chaos of the late Kangxiperiod, and greatly strengthened the centralized. The national economy was improvedobviously. That made him to keep in favour during the Yongzheng period. And itbased on a wide range of knowledge and his responsibility. Yin Xiang was in chargeof Hubu and Sanku for a long time, and had the rich experience in finance. In theYongzheng period, many financial problems was grouped over to him by YongzhengEmperor. In addition, Yongzheng Emperor let him in charge of the army of SummerPalace due to the trust. On the other hand, Yin Xiang was also a "wise man". Heunderstood the temper and the behavior of Yongzheng Emperor. So he was veryhumble in front of Yongzheng Emperor, and never prided himself. Instead, he gavethe achievement to Yongzheng emperor, and took the blame by himself. In a countrywith a centralised strengthening, it received a significant effect. In both the living anddeath, he and his family got preferential treatment. For Yongzheng Emperor who wassuspicious, it is absolutely a first thing. There was also the "difference" in his life. Forexample, he liked Colored enamel and some foreign small things. The personality isvery easygoing, and so on. With these differences, it made us to understand a vividYin Xiang. The life of Yin Xiang can be divided into two periods. The first45yearsof his life is very bumpy. Before the age of36, it is a matting process. As one of themany princes, he handled some normal things, such as the ancestor worship, visitingthe channel with Kangxi Emperor. Neither particularly brilliant also no obvious faults.It is very quiet period. In the later years of Kangxi Emperor, for some reasons, YinXiang was hit by Kangxi Emperor. Even he had been in prison. Until his brotherbecame the emperor, he was released. It made us to do some exploring. After he was36years old, he ushered in the opportunity, because of the deep trust from YongzhegnEmperor. So in Yongzheng period he “spared no effort in the performance of hisduty”. He took care of every thing by himself. Finally the high load of work put downhis body. Yin Xiang died in1730. Although his life is not long, the contribution toYongzheng period was huge. For recognition and memory, Yongzheng Emperorallowed Yin Xiang to restore the word “Yin” in his name. It is almost an impossiblething in the ancient which was full of taboo. It shows that Yin Xiang played an extremely important part in the early years of the Yongzheng period. At that time,Yongzheng Emperor’s position was very delicate: he treated his brothers as the enemy,and became isolated. That was Yin Xiang who made him to avoid the isolatedposition, proved that Yongzheng Emperor was not against with all of his brothers.Therefore, the "spoil" of Yongzhegn Emperor actually means that they needed eachother. For the complex of government affairs of Yongzheng period, the emperorneeded a trustworthy person to bear the heavy for him. To frustrate in the late Kangxiperiod, Yin Xiang also need a chance to express their depressed, and to show hisability for catching the power. After the brothers got unfortunate, Yin Xiang deeplyunderstood and grasped the temperament of his brother. It is a key for him to properlyadjust the relationship of brothers, and accurately grasp the relationship between aruler and his minister. Therefore Yin Xiang became a typical example that waspeaceful under the cruel struggle and relentless strikes of the power. Because of thepolitical infighting, the height of the tension, the busy affairs, timid depressed andmelancholy, he lived a short life. As a result, the in-depth study for Yin Xiang canhelp us understand the history of Yongzheng period roundly and accurately.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Emperor, Yin Xiang
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