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Research On Li Wei In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2020-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330572486216Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li wei was born in “jinyi family”.He was born in fengxian county,xuzhou prefecture.He was an official in the silk court for fifty-six years after the reign of emperor yongzheng.During his tenure in the local government,he rectified the bureaucracy and the salt administration,checked the debts,and promoted the policy of “sharing land into mu” and“consuming envy and returning to the public”,becoming the powerful executor of yongzheng's new policy in the local government.We will strengthen local military training and combat theft;Build up the zhejiang province haitang,develop yuhuan island,develop local economy;During his tenure,li wei made important contributions to the clarification of local officials,economic development and cultural construction.This paper will introduce li wei's family background,his rise in the yongzheng dynasty,his political activities,his role at that time and his final outcome,and make an objective and comprehensive evaluation of li wei's historical status in combination with the historical environment at that time and its influence on later generations.
Keywords/Search Tags:qing dynasty, Liwei, Yongzheng emperor
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