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Analysis Of Narrative Strategy Of The Documentary Shis’ Hutong

Posted on:2015-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HanFull Text:PDF
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Beijing,an ancient city which is of such a long history and rich culture heritage,hasgiven brith to so many winding HuTongs and worm classical Quadrangle dwelling--Beijing’s traditional residential buildings and the most of the culture symbol of folkcustoms.The documentary Shis’ HuTong Get though three part which the oral history ofthe dramatist and old artist in Beijing people’s art theater,old hawking Yangchanghenarrate about beijing’s peddle that disappeared immediately and a story of Liupingtai,adoorman of the museum as a native beijinger is worry and sigh with emotion about therapid changing city.To deoxidation a real old Beijing city.Expressing the sentimentallyattached and sigh with the gradually disappearing Beijing’s culture.This article analyses the documentary Shis’ HuTong from the thematicmeaning,narrative strategy and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:The documentary Shis’ HuTong, Narrative strategy, Aesthetic pursuit
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