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Cultural Psychology And Architectural Styles

Posted on:2015-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431483527Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1978years, our country’s economy is developing rapidly, a great change of the urban landscape. Since the90s, the Shanghai residential large-scale construction, and have a broad impact to the whole nation. In general style, both advocating the creation of Western architectural style of the confusion, there are also the rise in recent years, China’s cultural awakening of the wind. But the study of Shanghai residential developments and changes in design, yet the lack of specialized research and summary conclusions.Shanghai residential diverse architectural style, influenced by diverse cultural psychology is very significant, mainly in the following four aspects. First, the Government of the architectural style of the administrative intervention, mainly reflected in the government-sponsored or government investment in residential projects, such as some of the affordable housing and public rental projects. Second, by the construction of the impact of commodity markets, the developer market in a residential area of influence is growing. For developers, residential project success criteria, whether that appeal to consumers, this customer-oriented properties, enabling developers to pay more attention to the aesthetic taste of the community. Therefore, the leading developer of residential projects in the public’s aesthetic taste has been some attention. Third, the rapid development of new media, the mass media on the boot aesthetic plays a big role, especially the popularity of the Internet, making online media can be more convenient, fast, spontaneous, widespread psychological characteristics of popular culture. Fourth, the academic professionals on the role of public opinion is also apparent, architect groups the right to speak as part of the star architects are fully reflected, some foreign and local well-known designers in the architectural style of a greater autonomy.Visible future architectural style Shanghai residential areas will be based in a modern architectural style by analyzing designers various sectors of cultural psychology and nearly a decade of residential architectural style; In the traditional culture and Western architectural thought, driven by regional architectural style will be more in tune with today’s social life forms flourish; market share in Western classical architectural style of residential areas will be gradually reduced. With the global architectural practice increasing exchanges, scientific and technological development and economic strength of the accumulation level of architectural design will be significantly improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural Psychology, Shanghai Residential, Architectural Style, the Past10Years
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