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The Shaping Of Literature Field To Moyan In1980

Posted on:2015-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431482560Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Literary field in the1980s is a diverse field of literature, Mo Yan as a once active in thisfield is an important molecule that his creative literary field will inevitably be affected,constraints and shape. We can say that Mo Yan ’s creation in1980largely reflects thechanges in the literary field.In this paper, borrowing cultural sociological theory French sociologist PierreBourdieu, analyze literary field in different time periods in the1980s shaping power relationsof Mo Yan. Paper is divided into four parts:Introduction section introduces the academic research and analysis on Mo Yan in culture inthe1980s with the sociological theory of Mo Yan’s literary field shaping feasibility1980screation, and Bourdieu’s sociological theory of literature thinking brief analysis.The first chapter analyzes the literary field in the early1980s, the political power toshape Mo Yan."Cultural Revolution" ended, new power relationships how to penetrate intothe literary field, combined with Mo Yan then analyze how the situation in the literary fieldof political power Mo Yan’s creative habits of discipline and performance in the works.The second chapter analyzes the literary field after the mid-1980s to expand theautonomy of " subjectivity" become a more literary field in strong words, under thiscondition, Mo Yan with their own advantages, give full play to their imagination, creative asegment of the literary space.The third chapter analyzes the rise of the commodity economy, how economic powerthrough its powerful penetration affected the literary field and the venue of the writer, facedwith the impact of commodity economy, Mo Yan how "limited production field" and "large-scale production field " be torn between.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literature
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