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Research On Thomas Aquinas’s Charitable View

Posted on:2015-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431481946Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thomas Aquinas is a giant of medieval scholasticism; He perfectly combined therationality with belief, and established the Thomism. After the death he was called theDoctor Angelicus. In this article, starting from the concept of charity of Aquinas, Icompared Holy Bible with13th-century charity with Christian concept of charity, andstudied contribution of Aquinas charitable view and position in the history ofChristianity.The article is divided into six parts. In the introduction, I mainly definedconcepts and described in accordance with relevant study topics. In the first part, Istudy Aquinas and charity of the13th century which is a short introduction ofAquinas’s life, the Christian concept of charity in the Holy Bible as well as thecharacteristics of the Franciscan religious charity as an example of the13th century,and then highlight the concept of charity Aquinas position. The second part is thecharitable view content of Aquinas. And then I discuss the intrinsic properties and theexternal behavior of charity, followed by discussion wealth and the poverty. The thirdpart is Aquinas charitable view of the characteristics that can be divided intometaphysical speculation purely theoretical; indirect Aquinas charity which does notdirectly affect the thinking of contemporary or future generations; non-institutionalized the concept of charity that Aquinas did not write membershipregulations institutionalized. In the fourth part, I discuss Aquinas’ charitable view ofthe impact on future generations. Aquinas’ concept of charity established a newparadigm of rights, obligations which promoted to improve the people’s hearts andcomfort, so that people get spiritual sins washed. In the conclusion, by comparison, Iwant to determine the status of Aquinas charitable view of history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aquinas, Charity, Medicant, Poverty
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