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A Study On The Imagery Of Water Lee Gwang-Su’s"Mujeong"

Posted on:2015-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431479193Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Imagery consists really important of utterance. Therefore, analysis the imagery of novel and educe the meaning of it are significant to get the main point of the theme of novel. The opus which was written by Lee Gwang-su could stand for South Korean’s novel in1910of the20th century. He described a lot about the water which means it worked importance value to the shape of the novel and the relationship between the water and human beings, meanwhile it worked importance value to the theme of novel as well. Beginning of tears followed by river and finished with torrent Lee Gwang-su stated the water’s meaning and connotation clearly. For example, in the wake of volume of the water the meaning was changing which came from the individual to the nationality. This dissertation with new angle to interpret the imagery of the water and the feature of the author,which according to analyses the imagery of 《mujeong》 which was written by Lee Gwang-su, This kind of research will help for interpret the shape of writing.On the second parts of the dissertation, analyses the imago of tears of the heroine who’s name was Yeongchae. Yeongchae could stand for the tears’incarnation according to this novel. Tears ran down Yeongchae’s face eleven times in this novel. We can divided two main parts of her tears. First of all is when she was getting pain experience called sore tears. Second of all is when she got the new point of the world views and changed her "mother’s" mind called happiness tears.On the third parts of the dissertation, analyses the imago of the river which name was Datong was the mother river of Pyongyang meanwhile this river also produced lots of fodder to plenty of author. We can divided two main parts of this river. First of all is dead. For example, when Wolhwa tried to kill herself into the this river and the other one was when Yeongchae was insulted by evildoer had wanted jump into the river. Second of all is rebirth. For example, the song which was sang by advanced elements and the other one was the lecture of principle Han. On this section there were only the belief leave behind which was with new-power to save the country which was controlled by a more powerful country and all of all history dead with Datong River. On the fourth parts of dissertation, analyses four main imagos of the torrent which are dead; destroy; peace and creation. Dead means the torrent which destroyed their home and foods hope for the future will be better. On the other hand, the torrent had been preparing for all of creations to create meanwhile heroine could approached their dream with renewed vigour. Lead to civilization the pacific is one of the important way to pass through due to people will find hope and encourage in the novel.To move forward a step in research Lee Gwangsu’s novel which called "mujeong" will extend the marrow and meaning of novel’s industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:"mujeong", tears, river Datong, torrent, imagery
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