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Study On The Chinese Fiction Of Mongolian Writers

Posted on:2015-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N HaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431476429Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
《National Literature》is a unique ethnic minority literature journal inour country. It becomes the most authoritative ethnic minority literaturejournal as its powerful influence that contributes to the prosperity anddevelopment of contemporary ethnic literature. As an important carrier ofMongolian writers to create Chinese literature,《National Literature》is notonly the external conditions of survival and development for Mongolianwriters, but also play an important role in its own evolution.This article has taken Mongolian writers and their works whichpublished on《National Literature》in1981to2010as the object of research,by carding and analyzing the development of Chinese fiction created byMongolian writers during this period.This paper is comprised by five parts, which are introduction, Mainbody (three chapters), conclusion and appendix.By depicting the relationship between 《National Literature》 andcontemporary ethnic literature, development of the fiction produced byMongolian writers to elaborate the meaning to research the development ofMongolian’s contemporary Chinese creation. from National Literature.Chapter one has tested a condition of Mongolian writers team who hasdifferent characters and produced Chinese fiction in different period.Chapter two has analyzed the theme of “Scars”,“Reform”,“Realism”,“Roots”,“History”,“Ecology” and “Animals” in the novels.Chapter three has analyzed the typical characters. Most of them haveown peculiar characters and the characteristic of an age which enriched thecharacter’s gallery of contemporary Mongolian literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:《National Literature》, the Chinese fiction of Mongolianwriters, Theme, Characte
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