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Strategies On Interpreting For "Two Sessions" Press Conference From The Perspective Of The Interpretive Theory

Posted on:2015-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431475701Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today’s context of highly developed informationization and globalization, a press conference has become the key way to publicize information and widely used in the communicative activities among countries and governments. In China, the press conferences at the NPC and CPPCC ("two sessions") have attracted the attention from a large number of the media at home and abroad. The conferences act as the window to report the government’s work to its people in China and to present the social and political life of our country to the outside. To get the positive effect of publicity, timely and accurate interpreting of the press conferences plays a key part. The interpreters should not only deliver exact linguistic information, but help communicators from different cultures to overcome the cultural obstacle, so they are of great importance for smooth cross-culture communication. That sets higher demands for interpreters and also creates a new research field for interpreting researchers.Due to such constraints as data preserving etc, the study of interpreting came into being very late. Until recently, the framework of the study is far from complete. Comparatively, Interpretive Theory is well developed and serves as the key reference theory in the international interpreting circle, which has a far-reaching impact on the development of the interpreting theory in China. Interpretive Theory argues that interpreting should be separated from the form of the original and done at the core of the semantic unit of the original, serving as the guidance for interpreting, particularly the more difficult and demanding interpreting.This thesis focuses on the strategies of interpreting of press conferences. From the perspective of Interpretive Theory, it adopts qualitative and explanatory research methods of corpus analysis, analyses the possible difficulties and countermeasures in interpreting practice and studies the interpreting training under the guidance of the theory. Consequently, it helps the learners of interpreting with a better understanding of conference interpreting and the beginners with understanding of the application and theoretical basis of interpreting skillsThe thesis covers6chapters. Chapter one gives an introduction to the methodology and data research; objectives and the structure of the thesis. Chapter two is the literature review, expounding the Interpretive Theory. Chapter three is on the definition, characteristics and criteria of interpreting and the press conference interpreting. Chapter four, on the basis of data and possible difficulties in interpreting practice, puts forward concrete interpreting skills and conclusion that Interpretive Theory is of great significance in guiding the interpreting of press conference and the interpreters should choose the corresponding measures from a situation to another, aimed at the smooth completion of interpreting. Chapter five is about how to improve interpreting under the guidance of the Interpretive Theory. Chapter six is conclusion of the thesis from4aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Two Sessions", press conference, interpreting phenomenon, interpretingstrategies, the Interpretive Theory
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