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Study Manchukuo Period Zhihuan Liu Pro-Japanese Literature

Posted on:2015-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431475590Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Korean Chinese emigrated from the Korean peninsula to China.Data showe d that from the17th century to the Yisi Treaty (1905) there had been sporadic Korean farmers into the northeast of China. They risked their life and reclaim ed the land in the restricted area of Qing government. After the Japanese occu pation of Korea in1910, with intensification of the Japanese invaders in the e conomic exploitation and political oppression, more Korean immigrants moved t o northeast of China.According to statistics, at the eve of the Japanese surrend er in1945, the number of Korean immigrants to China was more than2milli on. They not only reclaimed the land but also formed a new culture. They def ended their second home together with Chinese. In the long history of anti-Jap anese war, Koreans created anti-Japanese and pro-Japanese culture not only in Chinese literature but also in Korean culture.Several pro-Japanese articles of Korean poet Zhihuan Liu played an impo rtant role in Korean literature. And he expressed his views in his works.In the first chapter the writer introduced the purpose and significance of t he topic, and described the history of the work and research method.In the second chapter the writer was probably familiar with the poet’s life. To understand the poet’s pro-Japanese experience better his experience was d ivided into two sections:The first was the Korean era and the second was in t he North-man period.The third chapter is the focus of this thesis. The writer illustrated carefull y pro-Japanese works of the poet’s "Big Dipper,""Eve,""first," and "Great Eas t Asia War and consciousness of writer." Especially the study of "first" was m ore thorough and vivid.In the fourth chapter the writer analyzed the poet’s Pro-Japanese works w hich had long been despised and denied.The fifth chapter is the conclusion. This paper is different from the forme r pro-Japanese works and pro-Japanese tendency. It describes from a different perspective and sets a new point of view. It is also a historical research to the pro-Japanese works of Zhihuan Liu.
Keywords/Search Tags:Manchukuo, Zhihuan Liu, Pro-Japanese literature
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