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Research On The Development Of Cultural Resources In Jingzhou

Posted on:2015-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431474905Subject:Ideological and political education
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As mankind enters the21st century, the culture as a core element of soft power has become the consensus of the various countries in the world. Although a county’s economy and military occupy on important position, Soft power represented by culture has dominated its influence in international relations. If economy and military consist of a country’s infrastructure, then the culture will determine its soft power. Soft power which is regarded as productivity can be also converted to hard power. Therefore, whether it is from national or local government level, as an important part of cultural development, cultural resources construction is increasingly being attached importance to. Cultural resources are not only accumulated heritage of national and cultural development, but also a driving force of a national and its economic development. Since30year’s implementation of reform and opening-up program, China has become the second largest economic entity in the world, with its big development in economic, political, cultural and social areas. And the party’s18th National Congress depicts a grand blueprint for us to achieve a Chinese dream, propose a goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, offering the deployment of "five one" construction policy in economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social development and ecological construction. All these efforts indicate that China has entered a new round of development of deepening reform, economic development and political culture prosperity. At present, in this important period of restructuring and growth transformation of China’s economic development, in order to make the cultural industry become a mainstay industry, it requires us to focus on soft power building. Thus, the cultural development of research resources is of great importance. Therefore, the study of local cultural resources development, the promotion of local economic and political development has important theoretical and practical significance.This paper researches Jingzhou cultural resource development from a combination of philosophical and cultural perspective, consisting of an introduction and three chapters, the contents of the study are three aspects as follows:First, it categorizes different types of cultural resources in Jingzhou and analyzes its basic features. Jingzhou enjoys a long history of culture which riches in its content. This article narrates these factors from four aspects of Chu Dynasty culture, Three-kingdom culture, red revolutionary culture and water culture; after classifying cultural resources in Jingzhou, it makes four points distinctive:its long history enjoying a good reputation both at home and abroad; complementary material and non-material culture; embodying the essence of traditional Chinese culture; centralized and continuous distribution of downtown layout.Second, the paper proposes basic principles of cultural resource development in Jingzhou. It is a conclusion after analyzing its abundance, distribution and other characteristics of cultural resources in Jingzhou including the principle of the combination of protection and development; government-led and market operation; local and integrated development, diversification and portfolio, tourism and cultural heritage. Third, it proposes basic ways of cultural resources development in Jingzhou and arouses some thoughts from the comparative study of success cases in international cultural resource development combining with the status quo of cultural resource development in Jingzhou. The proposed approaches include government guidance and community involvement, both cultural values and cultural products, concrete images and the humanism etc. Content of this article mainly takes empirical approach by survey, comparative research, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis etc.Opinions of this article are formed by different ways of research:(field trips, seminars, questionnaires and other forms of comparative study of foreign domestic cultural resources by selecting the successful development of materials) as well as in the combination of analyzing the first-hand information on the basis of theoretical processing. Innovative research perspectives from this article lie in is the basic approach of cultural resource development in Jingzhou. It summarizes a few basic ways by comparing the domestic and international success stories of cultural resources development practices, combined with the realistic conditions of cultural resource development in Jingzhou, which can be used for a reference in terms of the development of local cultural resources and cultural industries.The research topic is of quite difficulty. Theoretically, it involves theoretical knowledge in multiple disciplines; field trips and surveys are complexly operated from the collection of empirical material. Combining with limited conditions of fieldwork and my theoretical level, inevitably, this article possesses quite a few immature even incorrect thoughts, so I sincerely ask my tutors’ advices and suggestions. From my perspective, the fulfillment of this paper is not the end of my research but a threshold. During my work in the future, I surely will further my theoretical study and my thoughts as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:culture, cultural resources, Jingzhou cultural resources development, cultural industries, basic approaches
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