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On Thomas Cranmer’s Proposition Of The Reformation

Posted on:2015-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431474841Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the sixteenth century, the Reformation of continent of Europe expanded Britain quickly. Which the Britain developed a top-down Reformation. Its important leader is Thomas Cranmer, who was well known as69th archbishop of Canterbury. The Reformation of Cranmer mainly started in the late Henry VIII and Edward VI, this period is the time of formation of the nation-state, when the power of Church declined but the kingship strengthened, his Reformation just started with this historical background. Conforming to the tendency of social development, Cranmer wrote and issued multiple religious documents, in the doctrine which opposed Catholic Transubstantiation and purgatory, in the etiquette which Simplified the Anglican church ceremony, in the Canon which abolished unreasonable old Catholic rules and so on. The Reformation of Cranmer produced profound influences, the nation’s religious Anglican established in the end. Which consolidated the monarchy self-esteem status, promoted the establishment of British nation-state and advanced the secularization of religion.The article contains of three parts:the foreword, the text, and the conclusion. The foreword briefly introduces the reasons and the significance for the choice of the topic, the present situation of the academic research at home and abroad. The text is made up of three chapters, it mainly attempts to discuss some contents about the Reformation of Cranmer, such as its background, the basic proposition and its historical effect. The first part makes portrayal of the reasons and origin of Reformation thoughts of Cranmer. The Second mainly discusses Cranmer’s Reformation thoughts. The third focuses on its influence. The conclusion summarizes the whole contents, awareness ot Cranmer s thoughts also had historical limitations, but It is more likely to meet the needs of the development of the national church.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thomas Cranmer, reform advocates, English Reformation
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