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Scholars In The Tang Dynasty And Their Discussion About The Shortage Of Money

Posted on:2015-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431466092Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In ancient China,by the lack of raw materials, so there always has been a shortage ofmetal currency. In the mid and late tang dynasty, the currency shortage evolved evenmore worst,and become a great event in the social, A lot of scholars in the Tang dynastytry to offer their own opnion about the poor situation,the reason why does the shortageof money appeared and how to solve this problem. Because of the monetary theorywas not developed in the Tang Dynasty, so their discussion had a lot of limitations.Butwe also have to admit that they can’t come up with better plans.And what thegovernment has done in this situation also show us that the backward theory can’t solvethe shortage of money.But in the Tang Dynasty,the national credit havn’t developed to alevel that the government can issue a lot of money.Sometimes,the government may castmore money,but they will come to nothing soon.The first chapter.introduce when and how was this shortage was happened. This part ofthe predecessors have done a lot of research, so just introduce predecessors’ researchresults.Then,enumerated and analyzed some scholars’ discussion about the reason whydoes this shortage was happened.First of all. introduced the description of the situationin the Tang Dynasty, pointed out that their knowledge is relatively shallow. Then listsome discuss and analysis.The second chapter,enumerated and analyzed some scholars’ discussion about thesolution to the shortage of money.List some discussion in time and enumerate thesolution,and analyze its rationality and feasibility. The third chapter is the focus of thisarticle.The third chapter,enumerated and analyzed what the government had done when theshortage of money was happened, and analyze its rationality. Conclusion part,explan why does the scholars in the Tang Dynasty come out lot ofunreasonable solutions,and why does the government havn’t issue a lot of papercurrency to solve the shortage of money...
Keywords/Search Tags:The Tang Dynasty, Scholars, Money shortage, Discussion, National credit
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