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The ASEM In Vientiane, Laos—Research On The Interior Furnishing Design For Residence Villa

Posted on:2015-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330428451891Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of times and renewal of social model, Foreign Affairs and International Conference of the Heads of States becomes increasingly more important and frequent, and with the change of lifestyle, the official residence of villa’s living space grows to be the status symbol of modern society, so the furnishings design problem of official residence of the villa can not be ignored. This paper studies on residence villas in Vientiane, Laos and analyses the residence villa furnishings art for creating a humane environment for these special population. All these establish a conception of this research.This paper selects the Asia-Europe summit in Vientiane as background, mainly researches the interior furnishings design of villa residence of heads of states. Through documentation and research on the Asia-Europe Summit in Vientiane, it can be found that ASEM summit is a regional conference and its duration is short, member states take turns to organize the conference venue and generally heads of states need to live in the host country. Vientiane’s residence villa is established for Heads of States of the Ninth ASEM Summit to live.Beginning with studying the social characteristics of the Heads of State’s country, we summarized furnishings design to meet the behavior and psychological needs of the heads of state, as well as to meet their political life and daily life needs, and safety, comfort respect needs. It should accompany with the basic principle of meeting the conference features, which reflect the cultural cohesion, the attention to rigor and primary and secondary relationships and a balance between strong culture and weak cultural. Then the furnishing shall conform to local culture and folk styles, and the combination of interior space and decoration shall beautify the interior space environment.Then the display products of official residence villa are classified, and the relationship between various types of furnishings and house space and the specific selection requirements are discussed. Combined with a case, through the analysis of the interior living space of Thai Prime Minister Yingluck’s residence villa, it explores the functional features of living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, study room and specific way of furnishings.Throughout the course of the research, based on the fundamental factors of villa residence’s indoor environment, this paper absorbs theoretical knowledge of related disciplines and studies on the residence villa furnishings with the expectation of the development of residence villa furnishings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Asia-Europe summit, Official residence villas, Furnishings design, Heads of State
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