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Moral Analysis Of Samaritan Dilemma In Contemporary China

Posted on:2014-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P LinFull Text:PDF
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Samaritan behavior is the external manifestation of the moral character of the membersof society, is also a behavior which worthy social praise and other members of society to learn.However, in the current social life, due to dishonest behaviors and the uncertain facts ofSamaritan behavioral consequences among the members of society, leading to the Samaritanmoral resources has become scarce in the social life, such as Nanjing Peng Yu event, litttleYue Yue event etc. These events caused adverse impacts to the society, which has aroused agreat concern from all walks of life in the society. Moral analysis of Samaritan dilemma is notonly related to the personal happiness of the members of society, but also link to the stabilityof the country as well as the harmonious development of society. Under these circumstances,how to provide new ideas and insights for the social security system to do some Samaritanbehaviors is a significant issue in front of people.The moral dilemma exists in the current social life, on the one hand is due to the changeof society members’ values: since China’s reform and opening up, the living standard of socialmembers has been greatly improved and material life has been extremely enriched. However,along with the material life of members of society to meet people’ requirements, values,morality changed. The original moral system is not suited to the needs of the community, yetfailed to timely establish a new moral system. On the other hand, because of the Samaritansystem is imperfect. To begin with, Samaritan behavior is lacking of uniform legislation toprotect. At present, Due to the different levels of development of various parts of the economy,there is a big difference definition for Samaritan behavior as well as the award criteria, thescope of incentives, which is not conducive to the implementation of the Samaritan in thewhole society. Moreover, as for the further improving the social security system construction,which is able to expand the coverage of the social security system, and all members of societyare included in the social security system. To create a good social environment, and constantlyimprove construction of socialism security system is the ultimate solution to get out of thedilemma for the Samaritan behavior.This paper mainly uses the method of literature, comparative analysis, andcomprehensive analysis. Through analyzing the issues of value changes of social membersand the imperfect of social security system in Samaritan dilemma, combined with relevantethical theories, propose solutions targeted measures, which Provide new ideas and solutions to establish the moral order in the period of social transition.This paper consists of five parts:The first part is the Introduction: this part mainly introduces the background, the value oftopic, literature review and related research achievements, the research ideas, researchmethods as well as the keys, difficulty and innovation of the study of this topic.The second part is the analysis of the resolution Samaritan theoretical connotation:Through analysis of Samaritan behavior in concept of traditional Chinese epistemology andmodern legal sense and combined with the related doctrine of ethics, which to explore thetheoretical connotation of Samaritan behavior.The third part is analysis of Samaritan dilemma: apply motivation theory, effect theory aswell as related discussion of Marxist ethics, distinction between the Samaritan behavior or notand established standard definition of courageous acts.The fourth part is the reason suffers Analysis for Samaritan dilemma: through analysisfor inconsistency of legal norms and ethics, social environment, the imperfect of socialsecurity system.The fifth part is the idea of contemporary Samaritan behavior system: this part is mainlyfor three reasons put forward in the fourth part. In order to improve the system construction,by strengthening the moral education of the members of society as well as to create a goodsocial environment for the courageous social security system to provide new ideas andinsights.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary China, Samaritan behavior, Dilemma, Account, imagine
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