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The Theory Of Value And Times Destiny Of Lao Zi

Posted on:2015-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422988931Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the Marxist materialist conception of history, the historical processis often determined by struggles happened in history. From Spring and Autumn Periodto Warring States period, the society&economy had undergone dramatic change,because of which many philosophers appeared during those periods. We can findout their own different values by reading their writings.“Lao Zi” is one of thephilosophical writings written during those periods. Its content is of concise, profoundand also extremely rich. It explores series of philosophical and political problemsabout value forms, resource of the world and also studies one country’s governancefrom a specific angle, describes unprecedented ideas which ancestors never described.The famous philosophical ideas like “Taoists”,“Freedom”,and“Noninterference”described in this book have become the basis of Chinese philosophy. By studying“Lao Zi”, we can not only get an understanding of the social and economic conditionsduring Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States period, but also can understandsocial relations in ancient society. Besides, by deeply study its theory on value underthe background of modern society, we can also get guidance or inspiration oneconomic and social problems. Comparing its philosophical theory with Maxistphilosophy, it’s easy for us to find out its progressiveness and superiority.Mr Mao Ze dong ever quoted one famous idea “Danger is the next neighbor tosecurity” in his book “On processing internal problems between people”. This sayingnot only says that Danger and Security are dependent, but also proves that the theoryon value described in “Lao Zi” is dialectic and superior. At the beginning ofcivilization, the theory on value described in “Lao Zi” possible is not ascomprehensive and accurate as Maxism on social and economic phenomena, but weare certainly able to find out its value in times if we study it using Maxism.This paper is began under the background. Although “Lao Zi” is only comprised by about5000words, it is taken as the beginning of Chinese ancient philosophy andcomprehensive result of philosophy. It includes rich dialectic ideas, looks on things inthe world objectively and emphasizes to study nature, society and people in unifiedform, induces every things and finally gets their essence. Therefore by studying anddeeply exploring “Lao Zi” can not only guide our study on ancient Chinese dialecticideas, but also positively help with explore Maxism. In this book it also says “Toknow when to stop ensures long time development”, which means that if people knowwhen should stop his action then they can lead progress in their whole life. Themeaning “One thing turns into its opposite if it is pushed too far” implied in thesaying plays a great role in processing the relations and keep harmonious developingbetween society and nature. Sustainable development has become commonlyrecognized developing strategy in modern society, though it was given in the secondhalf of20thcentury, it expresses the same meaning with the sayings “One thing turnsinto its opposite if it is pushed too far”,“Understanding common things”,“Seekingharmony”“Knowing when should stop” mentioned in “Lao Zi”. The ideas expressedin this writing can help us survey others and our own shortcomings, but also providesinspiration for pushing on social reform and economic development.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Lao Zi”, Theory of value, Maxism, Contradiction
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