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Chinese Ancient Costume Thriller Type Research

Posted on:2015-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422977648Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Each film and TV series type has its own unique pattern, good type model notonly can bring the unique taste and characteristic, more can strengthen and enhancethe brand influence of the type, then have a cluster effect, maximize the interestrealization. Chinese ancient costume thriller type is a series of unique Chinesecharacteristics type,one of the following subtypes of Chinese TV series:"Bao Zheng"(1993in China, Taiwan),"The Young Bao Zheng Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ","Detective Dee RenJieⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ","Mr Song in Song dynasty Ⅰ Ⅱ ","Seven Chivalrous and Five goodmen of Bao Zheng","New Bao Zheng","Mr Shi’s case Ⅰ Ⅱ","Strange case inKaifeng of Bao Zheng" and so on. Chinese ancient costume thriller type faced hotbroadcast but cold research, prompting the types of typology study becomesnecessary. This is not only beneficial to use the research results to promote this typeof TV series continuing brilliant, but also to understand its successful experience sothat used for other types of Chinese TV series.This paper tries to analyze the Chinese ancient costume thriller type from theperspective of typology mystery, first of all to the mystery of Chinese ancientcostume thriller type, then summarized some terms of this type: development presentsituation, its source, type fusion and other relevant background, then respectivelyfrom "concepts" and "paradigm" two angles of mystery of Chinese ancient costumethriller type unique concepts and paradigm, this is the main part of this paper."concepts" and "paradigm", this two parts, that every type of TV series must be have,both to support each other, complement each other. Specifically, official motif, thewise core people, simulate games these three text lies in the concept of competitivestructure that perfectly combinate with paradigm. The paradigm research fromsuspense reasoning, plays structure, editing, and visual image and other externalperformance. This combination laid a foundation for the mystery of Chinese ancientcostume thriller type,. Thesis finally from the reflection of the attitude, analysis thecontemporary Chinese ancient costume thriller type that the creation of the presentsituation, some characters, narrative, the plot aspects and so on still need to improve.Hope can in today’s competitive, film and television market, providing a reference forrelated content.
Keywords/Search Tags:ancient costume thriller type, typology, concept, paradigm
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