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The Research Of Liu Yun And His Literature

Posted on:2015-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q QuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422483427Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liu Yun is an important minister of Song Dynasty, he was very active in politicsand Literature in early Northern Song Dynasty. He experienced the peirods of Taizu,Taizong, Zhenzong and Renzong, and worked in the peirods of Zhenzong andRenzong. He served three times in the Hanlin Academy and took charge of theimperial examinations. Liu Yun is the first person to pay attention to discourse onpolitics exam. Liu Yun is also an important writer of Xikunti. His poems in XikunChouchangji with the obvious characteristics of Xikunti. But his other poems also hasthe rich ideological content and unique artistic characteristics. He injected a newatmosphere for Literature of the early Song Dynasty.This paper will study Liu Yun’s life experence, friends, ideas, writing, thecreation of poems and articles, status and influence. That we have a new andcomprehensive understanding for Liu Yun’s artistic characteristics. So we can make acomprehensive and objective evaluation on him. The article consists seven parts.The introduction mainly discusses the significance of the selected topic and theresearch of Liu Yun. Many scholars regard Liu Yun as a "Xikunti" writers to study.And in the past eighty years of the twentieth Century, researchers often take a criticalattitude to the Xikunti writers and their works. Until recent years, scholars began toobjectively evaluate the writers. This is a very good reference for us to study andunderstanding of Liu Yun.Part1is Liu Yun’s life experence. The first is the study of Liu Yun’s birth anddeath year. Mainly from the existing two different views, and analysis of Liu Yunexact date of birth and Death. The second is sort out and analyze Liu Yun deeds. Toprovide sufficient background information for the study of the works of Liu Yun.Part2is discuss Liu Yun’s friendship. Through the analysis and research of LiuYun’s friends, peep out the influence of Liu Jun. Wealth of experience makes him avery wide circle of friends. First, make friends with colleagues. Yang Yi is one ofthem and have the deep influence on Liu Yun. Second, make friends with hermit. Ithas a great impact for Liu Yun on generate hermitage ideas. Last, make friends withMonks. Influenced by the Buddhism thought and Yang Yi’s ideas, Liu Yun has manymonks friends. It has a deep impact on Liu Yun’s Buddhist Thought. Part3is discuss Liu Yun’s ideas. Liu Yun has32years of political career, sohe has unique insights and experience on the way for the government. As a wirter ofXikunti, Liu Yun’s literature ideas is affected by Li Shangyin, and he attention topolicy papers. So this section mainly discuss from two aspects of political thought andliterary ideas of Liu Yun.Part4is discuss Liu Yun’s books. Liu Yun has a lot of books, so it is veryimportant to collate and research it. This part we will study his books from twoaspects. On the one hand, I will dynasty Liu Yun’s extant books. On the other hand, Iwill dynasty Liu Yun’s lost books.Part5is study on the poetry of Liu Yun. We will study it from three aspects. First,Liu Yun’s poetics origin. He is a wirter of Xikunti, so his poetry creation is influencedby li shangyin and Tang yanqian. Second, the theme of Liu Yun’s Poems. Liu Yun’spoetry is divided into four categories: Yongshi, Yongwu, Shuhuai, Yingchou.Analysis of various types of poetry and compared with li shangyin, Yang Yi, Qianweiyan. Last, the artistic features of Liu Yun’s Poems. As the wirter of Xikunti, LiuYun’s poetry has the obvious characteristics of the Xikun style.Part6is study on the article of Liu Yun. First, Liu Yun’s article is divided intoZou Biao, Bei Zhi, Fu, Zan, Qi, etc. Liu Yun’s article mainly to parallel prose, andwith the Wu Dai legacy. Second, the artistic features of Liu Yun’s article. Through theanalysis and study of Liu Yun’s article, we can objectively understand the advantagesand disadvantages of Liu Yun article creation. And a more profound understanding ofthe formation and transformation of the early Song Dynasty style of writing.Part7is study of Liu Yun’s literary position and influence. The first is discuss hispoetry status and influence. I will certain his value and status in the wirter of Xikuntiand the positive effect on the formation of "Songdiao". The second is discuss thetransition of his role in the development of parallel prose. The last is discuss hisinfluence on the imperial examination paper of Song Dynasty. In order to have anobjective evaluation of his status and influence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Yun, Poetry, Essay, Creative Features, Status and influence
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