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Fortune And Moral Sentiments

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XuFull Text:PDF
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To what kind of extent did fortune influences human’s moral life? When wemake comments on one’s morality, can we take fortune into consideration? Thisquestion has been disputed from ancient time to modern times by westernphilosophers. We should pay attention to the integrity between human lives andpersonal moral experiences. We should realize the certainty existence of fortuney net,fortune has influences on moral critics, not only direct at the actor themselves but therealization of the reality activities.However, the theory ‘moral without fortune’ holdthe opinion that acknowledged fortune has effect on the moral critics of humanbehavior and personality in specific circumstances. Thus, the relevant moral criticswill assume some ‘complexity’.Bernard Williams put forward the concept of ‘moralfortune’ which make people have a clearer cognition to fortune. While the furtherdefine of the concept that made by Thomas Nagell has caused people’s consistentlyinterest on this theory. However, in our experiences, there are few understanding andannotation to ‘fortune’ was made by moral philosopher--Adam Smith. In The Theoryof Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith had explained the impact on human moral feelingand moral critics that caused by ‘result fortune’.On account of fortune affects theresults of behavior which generates the irregularity of emotion. This effect madepeople view the merits and demerits of behavior with some bias and formed rift inreflective abstraction of ‘fairness doctrine’.Because of this, Adam Smith’s discourseabout the relation between fortune and moral sentiments, not only deepen theunderstanding of human moral nature but abundant the modern disputes of moralfortune issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adam Smith, Fortune, Moral Sentiments
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