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Chinese Traditional Thought Of Thrift Virtue And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2015-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F KaiFull Text:PDF
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Thrift virtue is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese people. Rapidpopulation growth in the world, the era of increasingly scarce resources, any waste ofresources on human behavior are toiling disrespect. With China’s rapid economicdevelopment, increasingly rich material life, a variety of extravagance and waste inpeople’s everyday lives.In this case, the traditional virtues of thrift virtue researchhas become a hot topic in today’s society. Thrift virtue is the need for survival anddevelopment of a nation is vigilant sense of urgency, but also a moral cultivation. Inthis paper, Thrift virtue Chinese traditional thought and its contemporary value in thetitle, to sort out for Thrift virtue thought, analysts pointed out that its contemporaryvalue.Thrift virtue was originally created based on the historical background of its era.Ancient times, extremely low levels of productivity, poor material resources. Tosurvive, industrious and thrifty is virtue in everyday life unconsciously generated aspontaneous moral requirements for the people. With the emergence andestablishment of the rule of law and the rise of cases of ritual culture, build, Thriftvirtue from spontaneous morality of the people becomes the ruling class to maintaintheir rights class virtue. Spring and Autumn Period of China’s flourishing ideaswhich Confucianism, Taoism and Mohists which represents the thinking of the eraprovides a theoretical basis for its culture. In this paper, three ideas for the kernel,summed Confucian "ritual thrift virtue thought," Taoist "inaction thrift virtuethinking" and Mohist "Save thrift virtue thinking." The three ideas are fundamentaltheoretical sources, thrift virtue development, and virtue of the group, statesman ofthe country’s road and foot more active role thrift virtue thought. Thrift virtue wantsto achieve in today’s social services, must go coarse refinement, abandon past the oldfeudal dross, so I was carried out to examine the ethical, analyze its limitations andreasonable ingredients, thrift virtue to identify Chinese traditional thinkingContemporary theoretical value of foreshadowing. Based on the above sort, thisarticle from the economic, political and cultural analysis of three aspects ofcontemporary value of the thrift virtue thought. First, thrift virtue conducive torational consumption concept training, the establishment of two types of society toprovide theoretical support. Secondly, thrift virtue is a valuable historical resources My ruling party, is conducive to enhancing the people’s political identity, it is ourcountry clean government guidelines. Finally, thrift virtue helps to develop goodmoral character of individuals, but also to strengthen the building of socialistmorality.In summary, it is because the ancient fear of nature, self-perception is not easyto survive, leaving the future of the traditional thrift to survive. Thrift virtue ancientancestors thought not only provide care for the survival of the Virtue, but alsocultivate a Chinese traditional virtues of thrift. In improving the people’s materialliving standards, while also promoting the progress of the history of civilization, sowe should develop and promote thrift thinking socialist moral construction buildingblocks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thrift, Thrift virtue, Contemporary Value
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