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A Report On Technical Interpreting In The Galvanizing Industry

Posted on:2014-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T LiFull Text:PDF
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Translation and interpretation theories have been developed for centuries, and manyprecious pearls of theories have been set forth. However, it is only through field practicecan theories be retested. This practice report is completed on the basis of a technicalinterpreting project conducted by the author in2012, tracking the whole process fromunloading to pilot production in four months. This technical interpreting service is worthyof research because it was part of a highly specialized long-term project that is typical inthe industry. Introspection and experience summarization are applied as basic researchmethods in this paper. As the interpreter encountered, analyzed and solved variousproblems in practice, typical cases are to be studied in this report. Working experience andclassroom learning are put together to help practitioners develop new knowledge andachieve deep understanding. The principle of training MTI students highlights continuouspractice on the basis of theories, and demands the ability to solve problems with learnedmethods. Therefore, it is an effective way to develop the abilities of interpretation andcritical thinking by reviewing the practice and theories. Based on the field interpretingpractice, this report intends to depict details on technical interpreting in the galvanizingindustry, in the hopes that it can be a reference for subsequent practitioners in the industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:field interpreting, technical interpretation, technical terms
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