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The Questionnaire Construction Of Parents-children Exchange Relationship And Its Satus Quo Investigation

Posted on:2013-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330377960220Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to behaviorism theory in social psychology, all human behaviors arecontrolled by some exchange activity which would bright or dark, can bring reward orremuneration. During in the social interaction, a certain social relationship is arelationship of exchange. Social exchange relationship between parents and childrenis essentially the exchange of love which is centralized by the emotion and kinship. Itis influenced by history, culture, personality characteristics, social environment andother complicated factors. Integrated in the past literature and research findings, Thisstudy defined: social exchange relationship between parents and children centralize onthe parent-child relationship, which is a switching mode and reaction of parents andchildren in the social exchange process emotion-based, and the combination offeelings, thoughts, behaviors, ideas, and other complexes, during in daily andhousehold activities.Based on the theory of social exchange resource, this study chose the high schoolstudents and their parents as subjects. According to interviews and semi-open findingsof the survey, initially present the exchange of ideal mode between parents andchildren social exchange,then collect and code the items suited to reflect the socialexchange of high school children and parents. After the results forecast exploratoryfactor analysis of questionnaire and formal questionnaire confirmatory factor analysis,determine a relatively reasonable social exchange structure between parents andchildren. Using the parents and children social exchange relationship questionnaire(the volume of children and the volume of parents) to measure the level of quality theexchange relationship between parents and children, then analyze and explore thecurrent situation of social exchange relationship between parents and children.The main results of this research are as follows:(1)Parents and children social exchange relationship questionnaire (the volumeof children) include25items, and the volume of parents include24items. Both ofthem formed by six factors which are Emotional gets, Emotional response, Exchangeof ideas, Action participation, Material support and Expect return. Bothquestionnaires have clear structure, good reliability and validity, which could be usedas suitable tools to survey of parents and children social exchange relationship.(2)Form overall scoring, the quality of social exchange relationship between parents and children is high, parents volume scored higher than children volume inscoring. In6factors means, just expect return factor below to children roll, othershigh to children roll.(3)The present situation analysis obtains from the children volume, variablesinvolved in the questionnaire (gender, whether the only child, grade, family location,whether the accommodation in school, parents’ educational background andoccupation of parents),6factor scores significant difference is different. Main results:Daughter in each factor of the mean value is higher than the son, daughter more activethan son when exchanges and communication with parents, its quality of relationshipis higher. There is a significant difference, with the increasing of grade, the quality ofsocial exchange relationship between parents and children is to continuously improve.Small town children scores in support material and expect return factors are thehighest. Parental literacy rate is high, the overall score and scores in emotion gets,exchange of ideas, action participation3factors mean more.(4)The present situation analysis obtains from the parents volume, variablesinvolved in the questionnaire (gender, children grade, whether the only child, familylocation, whether the accommodation in school, educational background andoccupation),6factor scores significant difference is different. Specific differences inresults: Role of mother is better than father role performance, its quality of socialexchange relationship is higher. But in the expect return and material support factors,no significant difference between father and mother. With the increasing of childrengrade, the quality of the relationship in parents volume continuously improve.One-child families in the total score, scores in emotional response and exchange ofideas factors are significantly higher than non only child families, but non only childfamilies are higher in expect return factor. In the emotional response, material supportand expect return factors urban and rural difference, emotional response and materialsupport factor, city gets the highest score; in the expect return factor, rural scoredhighest. The higher level of education, the overall score, scores in emotional gets,emotional response, the exchange of ideas, participation and support material factorare higher,but expect return factor score is lower. Occupation for teachers and civilservants, scores on emotional gets, emotional response, and expect return factorshigher than other occupation, and the differences are significant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Parents, Middle School Children, Social Exchange, QuestionnaireConstruction, Questionnaire Survey
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