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The Development Of China English In View Of Dialogue Theory

Posted on:2013-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330362964051Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through hundreds of years’ development, especially the deepening and quickening of theglobalization in the20th century, English has become a world language. At the same time,English which is characterized by local culture plays a more important role in each country. Inthis process, China English, as a new force, has been accepted and widely used by more andmore people because it is based on Standard English, uses Chinese vocabulary, discourse,communication model, and expresses special matters about China’s society and culture, etc.Presently, scholars at home and abroad have carried on researches of the significance of ChinaEnglish’s occurrence and existence from different aspects, such as vocabulary, discourse,syntax,cultural transmission, language varieties and English language teaching.Compared with other researches, the author applies Dialogue Theory to the research ofChina English. Originated from Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, Bakhtin’s Dialogue Theorycan be better expressed in the concept of “dialogicality”, which does not refer to ordinaryspeech communication but dialogicality (dialogue relationship). Dialogicality refers to a morecomplex, multiple and wider relationship in actual speech communication, which is also aparticular form that different consciousness bearing equal positions and values interact.Based on the relationship of “self” and “the other”, language users’ inner-dialogicality aswell as dialogue process and dialogue principles of Dialogue Theory, the purposes of thisthesis are to apply the dialogue research depending on language or texts to the practicalcontemporary context, so that the analysis of the developing reasons, tendencies andsignificances of China English can be achieved. Besides deepening and enriching DialogueTheory, this research will further intensify the understanding of China English. It will alsohelp to strengthen Chinese English learners’ ability and consciousness of using language andimproving their communicative ability in the future.This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter1is the introduction, which is also thebeginning chapter sketching the background, purposes, significance and organization of thispresent research. Chapter2is literature review. In this part, the definitions of China English are given, followed by the history of its studies. Then Bahktin’s Dialogue Theory will bebrought in from the perspective of its origin and definition, the principal ideas, and relevantresearches. At last the inevitable emergence of China English in view of Dialogue Theory islaid, which serves as a guide to further research. Chapter3discusses reasons for thedevelopment of China English from the perspective of the focalizing of language users’inner-dialogicality, the rise of English learners’ subject consciousness, social evaluationconsciousness of discourse subjects, and the pressing necessity of cultural communication.Chapter4describes and analyzes the developing tendencies of China English in view ofDialogue Theory at the levels of unfinalizability and openness, the transition fromunidirectionality to mutuality as well as multivoicedness and diversity. In this part, the authordraws a couple of figures to analyze these tendencies in detail, and also takes the mixedresearch based on the English versions of Premier Wen Jiabao’s talks in the press conferencesfrom2003to2012to further analyze these tendencies with some data collections and figures.Chapter5illuminates the significance of China English, including promoting the constructionof China discourse system, enriching varieties of World Englishes, and innovating thethinking mode of English learners. Chapter6serves as the conclusion. It generalizes thewhole thesis, pointing out the main discoveries and significance of this research. At last thelimitations and suggestions for further research will be involved.
Keywords/Search Tags:China English, Dialogue Theory, openness, dialogue equality
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